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"Sword Clash."

Minji smiled, jumping off the table, as she walked towards Y/n. "The prettiest and the most wonderful perfect princess!" She yelled in an agressive tone. "Getting everything she fucking wants!" She yelled at y/n in the face making her flinch, her gaze then moving to Jungkook.

"That's enough Princess Han" Jungkook said putting his hand between Minji and Y/n protectively, minji eyed him up and down scolding and chugging another glass.

"All of you, are liars! I don't get anything i want!" She yelled, stomping her feet, throwing a tantrum like a child, "and she. SHE GETS EVERYTHING!" she yelled, charging towards y/n, as Jungkook stood infront of y/n protectively.

Her eyes widened slightly, looking at Jungkook protecting Y/n.

"E-everything t-thats m-m-mine" she stuttered, tears clouding her eyes, Jungkook stared at Minji his gaze cold and emotionless.

"That's enough Minji! Go to your room!" The King, Y/ns father yelled at her, as she looked at him, before glaring at y/n and smashing the glass at her feet, a piece piercing y/n but she stiffled her groan not to create more chaos.

Minji ran upstairs, as guests looked at eachother in confusion, The King noticed and let out a laugh, "kids these days!" He laughed, lifting up the morale, as everyone soon forgot about the whole scenario, and everything went back to normal.

And soon the gala came to a close, but the way her sister behaved, the entire moment was engraved in Y/ns brain.


Kim Y/n 🌷
I groaned softly taking off the bandage from my foot, thank God no one noticed last night, the door to my chambers slowly opened, "may I come in?" Jungkook asked, as I shouted a yes before hiding my foot under the blanket.

I could feel my warm blood that wasn't all taped up, drop down my foot, I smiled at him normally, as he chuckled, slowly removing the covers, and taking my foot in his hands, as I groaned softly.

He then started to clean it up and wrap the bandage around, "i saw it last night, I was waiting for you to tell me but my worried didn't." He said, as I scoffed at him "so you do have feelings" I teased, as he smiled.

"Only for you." He mumbled, but i heard it alright. I cleared my throat and looked away, as I watched the kids play outside my window. "Do you think what Minji said was true? That I stole everything from her?" I asked him.

I didn't know why I did
I just felt comfortable around him. He chuckled. "No you haven't, everything is destined. whoever's fate has it. Wether you move a mountain or crush the sun. What fate has in store for you will happen." He said, as I shifted my gaze to him.

"you love fate don't you?" I asked, as he smiled. "I beleive everyone has a purpose." He said, letting my foot down, as I passed him a small smile.

He moved over to the window watching the kids play as he chuckled. I went and stood beside him. "Sword fighting. I can do better." He said, as I smiled. "I'm definitely better than you." I teased him, as he faced me. "Are you challenging me Princess?" He asked.

I smiled. "Maybe,." He smiled.
"So you know sword fighting huh?" He asked me as I smiled. "Since 5 I beat my father at the age of 8" I said proudly, "hah! I did that when I was 5, your achievements are late your highness" he said, patting my head.

"May the best Apprentice win." I said.

He smirked.


"C'mon Hyung! You can do this!" Wonwoo yelled, as they put their armon on and stood infront of one another. "There's still time princess, why don't you back out hm?" He teased getting into position.

"Well, my father always said. never back down from an easy victory." She smirked, as the sounds of their swords clashing was heard through the garden.

She attacked him, aiming for his stomach, as he blocked her every move, laughing. "Easy Princess" he said, attacking her this time, his sword striking her hair-clip, causing her hair to come down.

He smiled, as she looked at him, glaring and charging again. "C'mon unnie! Beat him!" She yelled, as y/n smiled, jumping on Jungkook before he could react and sitting on top of him, her sword on his neck.

He smiled. "Not bad princess, I thought you would wait until marriage for this position" he said, making her cheeks go read and her heart pitter patter, taking the opportunity Jungkook flipped her.

As now he was on top of her.
"Tsk tsk tsk. Smitten? Kitten?" He asked, as her face went into a deeper red. She smiled, pushing him and touching her sword with his neck. "I won handsome." they heard claps from beside them, to see their parents watching them.

This time his cheeks went red too, realising the position they had been caught in. Quickly moving up, as y/n got up after him. "That was one hell of a fight." His father said, as they both stood side by side.

"Anyways, your engagement is in 2 days, we will be doing it in the village okay? That's what we came to tell you but looks like something else was going on" her father teased, making his mother laugh.

"Come inside for lunch kids" she said, as Y/n looked at jungkook. "So you think I'm handsome." he said smirking, as she rolled her eyes, making her way upstairs.


Kim Y/n 🌷

came out of the shower, ready to have a meal when my eyes landed on Minji, I walked towards her stopping her, as she turned around and looked away.

"Minji ah, I know we're on bad terms right now but..I just wanna say that. I'm sorry." I said, softly, as she looked at me her face shocked and confused. I smiled softly, before giving her a hug.

She didn't respond but I still did hug her, and then pulled away, "I had this dress brought for you, from Italy. I hope you like it" I said, giving it to her, as she looked at me, I gently bowed at her before leaving slowly.

After all..she was my cousin..right?

How was your day cutie?

Until next time ~
-Ava <3

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