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"at your service."

The sound of the dungeon gate changing open, struck the ears of the prisoner present. He curiously looked to see who it was tears streaming down his eyes, as he saw Minho and Minji.

"M-master, your highness please let me out I just Did as you said-"

"YOU GAVE THEM AN OPPORTUNITY TO GET CLOSER!" Minji yelled, as the prisoner (server) shook his head, "b-but I Did as you asked!" The prisoner said, his chains changing against each other as he walked towards Minho.

"Please please master let me out." He said, grabbing onto Minho's feet, as Minho kicked him away. "You will pay for this." He said

Walking away with Minji as the prisoner cried for help, but his cries were ignored.
Giggles came out from Y/n as she watched Wonwoo and her little sister, act to make her feel better, it has been 2 weeks and y/n was already feeling better, it was 5 days to the wedding now.

Jungkook chuckled, joining in as an old man in the play, making y/n laugh harder. "Ah ah my back" he said, falling on the ground, as her little sister sat on him.

"You're a horse now!" She said, making Wonwoo giggle at his brother now on all fours. Y/n smiled looking at all of them. "Wait wait, I have so much more props!" He said, running down while holding her hand.

Jungkook chuckled, getting up and dusting himself before sitting on y/ns bed. "Hey, how is my princess feeling hm?" He said, checking her temperature, as she smiled, sitting up and dusting his coat.

"Thank you for saving me that night." She said making Jungkook chuckle. "Aren't i your night in shining Armor?" He said, expecting her to retort but this time. She didn't.

"Yes. You are." She said, her hands on his neck. As their eyes met yet again, leaning closer, until they felt like their breaths could be Tangled together.  until the door was burst open by the kids who ran in.

Jungkook groaned, clearly Frustrated, making Y/n smiled, "chill out Prince." She said, making him smile and place a kiss on her hand.

As they both watched the play, acted out by their siblings.


Y/n smiled, looking out the window. Time had passed, and it was the night before the wedding, she couldn't believe, that the marriage she wanted to turn down, was the one giving her so much of happiness.

She was doing so much better now, Jungkook never left her side when she was ill, and always took care of her, more than her mother.

She smiled, before making her way to the bathing room, to see Jungkook surrounded by maids that massaged his shoulders while he lay in the bath. His eyes closed, smiling at their comments.

The maids teased him, some maids staring at him, she rolled her eyes, slowly walking towards them, before signalling the maids to leave, she quickly sneakily, replaced the maid who was massaging his shoulders.

She smiled, massaging his shoulders, she put pressure on a certain point, making Jungkook groan and look up with angry eyes, but his gaze softened and a smirk took his face. "Well well well" he smiled.

As she laughed, "I hear your getting teased? How sad" she mocked him, making him smile and pull her down, she screamed as she splashed in the water. Making him laugh out loud, as he placed her hands on his shoulders.

"In my kingdom, the bath is bigger" he teased her, making her smile. "Okay and?" She said, as he smiled. His eyes not leaving her, her dress now stuck to her body because of the water. He smirked. As she realised and turned around.

"Don't be shy Princess, all of this is mine anyway" he said, making her roll her eyes, her back facing him. "You wish." She said, as he backhugged her slowly.

He kissed her neck, his lips trailing kisses from her neck, to her shoulders, pulling her sleeve a bit to reveal more of her shoulder, as she closed her eyes at the ticklish feeling, a hundred butterflies in her stomach.

Smirking at her face, he bit her shoulder, making her hiss and turn around. He smiled. "Already giving in?" He asked, "didn't you say I belonged to you huh?" She asked, as he smirked, picking her up bridal style.

And walking out of the bath. Water dripping from them. "Do you know how many people would kill to hold me the way you are? To kiss me the way you Did?' she asked, making him chuckle.

"Do you know how many men I would kill to hold you the way I am. And to kiss you wherever I want?" He said, silencing her. As he placed her on her feet.

She stared into his eyes, as he wrapped a towel around her. Before placing a kiss on her cheek. Her eyes trailed to his body, her cheeks going red, as he chuckled pushing his hair back.

Lifting her chin gently, with his finger to face him he smiled. "Don't worry darling, all of this is yours. You can stare at it all you want" he said,

as he came closer to her ear. "You'll get a better view tomorrow night anyways" he said, Before biting it gently, making her giggle and run out. Leaving him smiling like a fool.

-ava <3

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