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"A Betrayal, A Beauty and Her Beast"

Y/n ran through the halls as Jimin led her, holding Jungkooks coat in her hand as a sign of comfort, but they soon bumped into Minho, "don't worry hyung I'll take her! Go take care of Hyung!" Minho said.

As Jimin nodded, trusting the time of worry and concern of Minho, as he left y/n in his hands, but what he didn't know was that Minho was a liar, and he was responsible for everything happening.

Being Desperate, Y/n followed Minho down the north wing, a forbidden Area one mustn't got though but she didn't have a choice, where else would she go? Wasn't she safe with Minho?

Minho led her into a small chamber, she entered to see her sister on the bed, filing her nails. Minji? Wasn't Minji all the way in her kingdom? She didn't question it, and made her way to sit down until she was pushed by Minho.

She groaned in pain, as her head hit the table and she fell to the floor. "Ya know Princess Kim. Or now unfortunately 'Jeon' I was supposed to marry you! You were mine. But just like he used to steal my fucking toys. He stole my life!" Minho said, turning everything inside our upside down.

All y/n could do was looking at him, with a shocked expression on her face. "M-minho what a-are you saying?" She asked, before Minji kneeled down and grabbed her hair, pulling her towards herself. "He's saying that this is revenge your majesty" she said, pushing y/n back. The sarcastic tone in her voice shocking y/n, as she finally connected the dots.

"Y-you monsters! Setting up your own family for death!" She screamed as Minho chuckled leaning down into her face. "Technically. We're not even family." Minho said, as y/n looked at him. "Jeon Jungkook was adopted by my dad. He found him in the fucking streets and that mother fucker got the throne" he said, making y/ns eyes widen.

"What's wrong princess? Didn't he tell you that?" Minho asked, as y/n looked down processing everything. "If your having a change of heart your highness. You can always take one of the original-" he was interrupted by a slap across his face.

"Jungkook is my husband. Adopted or not. And he is the king of this kingdom, wether you like it or not!" She yelled, as Minho stood there burning in rage, because with a large grunt, raining his hands on her and pushing her towards the floor.

Minho pinned her down, as Minji walked out and closed the door, ignoring her sisters screams for help, As Minho, stood up taking off his belt, "let's see what my brother has been playing with" he says, but y/n runs.

She tries to get to the door but fails, for Minho grabs her by her hair, pushing her against the wall, "your a fesity little bitch aren't you huh?" He said, towering over her broken figure lying against the wall.

He slaps her again, as she yelps, his rings peeling the side of her skin, her lip and cheek bleeding. "you are mine. You were assigned to me-" she cut him off. "Go to hell" she said, Minho raised his hand again, until a knock interrupted them.

"Minho. Open this fucking door!" Jungkook yelled form the otherside. Tears filled in y/ns eyes, his presence making her vulnerable for him. "jung-" before she could say his name, Minho headlocks her, covering her mouth and pulling her away.

Y/n kicked and struggled, as Jungkook kept banging the door, on the other hand, Jungkook was getting impatient. He never trusted his brother, when he was running inside the castle. And Jimin told him everything.

Jungkook knew, that that is what his heart was telling him about. "MINHO OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR!" he yelled, again this time breaking the door down. Only to see no one in it. And a small door leading through the castle. "Fuck!' he groaned. As he witnessed the small droplets of blood.

His heart dropping to his stomach. "Y/n y/n no!" He said, before running out, Jungkook ran everywhere, his feet giving up, but still he ran. And he would not stop until y/n was in his arms and she was safe with him.

But something occured to him. The battlefield which was usually full of noise, of the swords clattering and the bombs firing, had now turned quiet.

He walked outside, just to check on what was going on, to see Y/n tied up and on her knees with Choi, Minji, Minho and Y/ns aunt. Not wasting a second he ran out, as y/n tried to call him but the cloth on her mouth stopped it

"Well well well, look how the tables have turned King Jeon, you took my life. Now I'm taking your light to live." Minho said, a grand chuckle and evil laughter following that, coming out of his mouth

What was Jungkook going to do?
🌷: although royalty's Roses was supposed to be dragged longer, i feel like I should end it for now, and start a longer book later on.

Until next time~
-Ava <3

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