3. Crush

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"Jason, what's up with Lars?" asks Kirk as he packs his guitar into its case.

"Just a few... personal problems. Nothing you need to worry about." Jason replies.

"Anything I can help with?" Offers Kirk. Jason shakes his head.

"He just needs a little space, that's all."

Although he knows he shouldn't, Kirk spends the whole time he's packing thinking about the night before. He can't quite remember how he felt while it happened, but he knows exactly how he feels now, recalling the dream that showed him the events of last night. He smiles as he thinks about it yet again, and finds himself wanting to kiss Lars like he did - sober this time. He doesn't want it to be just a drunk fling, or just some entertainment. He's beginning to think he has a little crush on Lars, to be exact.

He stands up from the floor, spotting Lars in the bedroom, taking off his eyeliner in the mirror. He's wearing his white fur coat, giving Kirk a slight temptation to hug him. Kirk knows just how soft that coat is, and he really, really wants to feel it again...

Before he can stop himself, he's standing in the doorway to the bedroom. Lars still doesn't notice him.

Kirk closes the door of the bedroom, taking a few steps towards Lars. His heart beats a little faster in anticipation.


Lars spots him in the reflection of the mirror. Kirk smiles, checking that the door is still shut, before he walks up behind Lars. He stands behind him, gently wrapping his arms around his waist, while cautiously keeping an eye on the door. Kirk smiles as he sees Lars' face go red in the mirror, and as his fingers brush through the fur of the soft coat.

"I know you don't remember last night." Kirk begins in a low whisper, "but I know I enjoyed it."

He leans his head on Lars' shoulder and kisses his neck softly.

"You're a good kisser, Lars." whispers Kirk. "I wouldn't mind another night like we had last night."

He leaves another little kiss on Lars' cheek, and steps back, watching the drummer's face turn even redder.

Lars is dumbfounded, his face burning. He can't stop watching Kirk in the mirror as the guitarist steps back, sitting himself on the end of the bed.

"I'm here if you want to do that again before we go." Kirk whispers.

Lars turns around to look at Kirk, who is smiling ever so softly at him.

"I remember it," Lars whispers back. "I pretended I was drunk so that I could do that with you."

Kirk's smile can't help but grow as Lars confesses this.

"Aww, you cheeky liar." Teases Kirk, holding his arms out wide.

Lars is a little nervous, also guilty of lying to Kirk, but he accepts the invitation, gently perching himself on Kirk's lap.

Kirk takes the drummer's jaw in his hand, both of them entranced with each other's eyes.

"I thought maybe you didn't mean it last night," whispers Kirk. "But now I'm right that you did?"

Lars nods slowly and nervously, still staring into Kirk's eyes.

"I really like you." he says quietly. "I have for a long time."

Kirk smiles, bringing his face even closer to Lars'.

"Well, I can't say it's been for a long time, but I like you too." Kirk mumbles. He brings his face even closer. Lars' face seems to turn as red as it can get.

"I'm so glad I get to do this sober." Says Kirk. He can feel Lars' breath on his face. He closes his eyes, ready for the moment to come once again.

"But don't tell anyone..."

The bedroom door swings open, and Lars jumps out of his skin, leaping backwards in fear of getting caught.

"Shit!" Lars squeals, landing on the floor with a thump.

"Whoops." mutters Jason. "Sorry to um... interrupt."

Lars groans from the floor. Kirk is left shocked on the bed.

"I just wanted to let you know that we're leaving." Jason says. "I'm sure you could... carry on on the bus...?"

Jason smiles, but Kirk feels sick. His stomach ties a knot in itself and he gulps.

"I think I'll get a cab." he mutters, standing up and picking up his bags from the side of the room. Jason knows, he thinks. The thought that someone knows about him and Lars being serious makes him want to throw up. He can't look at either of them again as he walks out of the bedroom, bags in hand.

He leaves Lars heartbroken. The drummer watches sadly as his only love walks out, not even stopping to look at him before he does.

Both of them, without the other knowing, keep the memories of the night before close to their hearts. They both know that might be all they're going to get.

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