19. The Unforgiven

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"...and I went "what the fuck," because you're married to Francesca, and why the hell would you fall in love with a guy after acting extremely homophobic towards Lars and Kirk? And just because I didn't come flying into your arms to tell you I love you back or something, you start drinking and nearly kill yourself? What the fu-"

"Shut up," murmured James drowsily, waking up and rolling over in the hospital bed. "My head hurts."

Jason sighed, and his tone softened. "And whose fault is that?"


"No," said Jason sternly. "Whose fault is it that you're hungover and in hospital?"

"Uhh... mine."

"Exactly," sighed Jason. "And who called an ambulance so that you could be here?"

"Uhh..." mumbled James again. "I don't... I don't know."

"I did," corrected Jason. "I called the ambulance, paid for it, and also paid for the operation you had to remove the glass from your cuts."

"Uhh... thanks. I could've paid for it myself."

"That's not the point," said Jason, rising from his seat. "Could you have paid for it passed out and bleeding on your kitchen floor?"

"Mmnnnph," James replied, seeming to give up on the conversation. "My head hurts."

Jason sighed and sat back down. "Lars, Kirk and Francesca helped out too. They were here, but Lars and Francesca are getting snacks in the downstairs cafe, and Kirk has gone into town to pick up his and Lars' waffles. You see, those two were on their first date, and had to abandon their waffles to help you. He had to tell the waiter to box them up for him to pick up later."

"Mmmnnph," James grunted again, sitting up slowly and then mumbling something that Jason couldn't hear.

"What?" Jason asked, peeved.

"Nothing," said James, avoiding Jason's eyes. "It's just I would've liked to have a date like that with..." He trailed off, and tears pricked in his eyes. If you were looking closely, you would've seen him glance briefly upwards at the ceiling, or possibly the sky beyond. "Someone special," he mumbled.

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