9. Denial

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Three months have passed.

Kirk can feel the tension in the air as he enters the studio. Three months since the end of their ReLoad tour, Metallica have come together again to work on a new album. He spots Lars at the other end of the studio, behind his drum kit and tweaking a snare drum, and Kirk's heart skips a beat. No matter how much Lars wants to end it, Kirk is still hopelessly in love, and he's not sure anything can change that.

Jason stands over Lars' drum kit, staring down as Lars fiddles with a snare drum. Jason has only just found out what James said, through hushed conversations with Kirk, and is rather frustrated that the two lovebirds have been torn apart by one simple homophobic comment. Why can't James respect that everything doesn't have to be about Metallica for once? It's not too hard to allow a simple relationship, and it can be kept secret if needed.

"I heard what happened," Jason begins, watching over Lars as he fixes the drum kit and picks up his sticks.

"Nothing happened," Lars denies, giving Jason a menacing glare. "Shut up about it. I'd rather be left to get over it than be constantly reminded."

Jason shrugs. "Fine, I'll leave you. I just wanted to help."

"Stop trying to help." Lars continues. "We're here to work on another album, not focus on my stupid mistakes. It's not important."

"So your obvious feelings aren't important?" Jason asks sternly. "Kirk's feelings aren't important? Is that what you're saying?"

"My feelings? You think I still have feelings for him? Fock off, Jason. It's over!"

Jason shrugs again. "Fine. I'm not going to stop thinking you're heartbroken, though."

Lars grits his teeth. "Fock. Off."

Jason shakes his head with a sigh. "As you wish."

Jason then walks away, catching Kirk's eye and giving him an apologetic look. Neither of them know what they are going to do now.

Later on in the day, the band get to work on their next album, but this is almost impossible due to the obvious tension cutting through the air. Kirk tries desperately to catch Lars' eye, but only fails; Lars is still in denial about the whole situation, and can't seem to understand that Kirk is hurting, and a simple conversation about it might do a little to fix that hurt.

A few hours later, Kirk tells the band he needs to take a break, and wanders out into the hallway. He finds a small cupboard, which is used for storage of his guitars, and locks himself in there, leaning against the back of the door for support. Working with the band again, especially after what happened with him and Lars, has taken so much out of him. How can seeing someone who makes his stomach perform backflips and his heart flutter bring him so much pain?

Throughout the day, Kirk had made several attempts just to catch Lars' eye. Talking to him was way out of the question, and even Jason had made an effort to try and get something out of him. But Lars only talked to James, and everything they talked about was about the music - whether James should play the riff in a different tone, whether Lars should drum faster. It was as if Lars had become Hetfield's slave - he'd already given up his boyfriend and shut out his other bandmates for a day, and Kirk doesn't even want to think about what he'll give up next.

Jason, who watched with gritted teeth as Kirk walked out, isn't going to give up this easily. While James strives to shut the relationship down, Jason is determined to somehow bring the two back to what they were. He never got to see them as a couple, but can recall the times just before they made things official, and knows that he could see from the start that they were going to be really amazing together. If only he could get Lars to see that, and somehow end Kirk's hurt. And maybe get James to accept the whole situation. But he knows just how difficult that all would be, especially that last one. However, they're his best friends, and they definitely deserve his effort.

Jason is going to get Kirk and Lars back together. Whether James, along with the fans, and the general society - whether they like it or not.

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