6. Kiss

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"Hey, sexy."

Lars turns sharply and jumps out of his skin. Kirk is outside, clinging to the window frame with his head through the open window.

"Oh my god, Kirk!!" Squeals Lars, his hand on his chest, where his heart is beating at almost a million miles an hour..

"You didn't tell me you were coming in through the window!"

"I didn't need to," Kirk replies with a goofy grin. "Your reaction was priceless."

Lars sighs, a small giggle escaping his lips. He approaches the window, peering down.

"You scare me. You could've fallen." he says, giggling. He holds out his hand, and Kirk takes it. The touch is electrifying, and they both smile as Kirk climbs in through the window.

Once he's in, Kirk lets go of Lars' hand and slips his shoes off, placing his jacket down beside them. Kirk looks back at Lars again, reaching out his hand and gently tracing the drummer's jawline.

"I believe we have some unfinished business." Kirk says, an infectious smile on his face.

"Care to finish it?"

Lars giggles, knowing that nothing can possibly stop them this time. He places his hands on Kirk's waist, and the guitarist holds onto his jaw, their faces just centimetres apart. They know what they both want to do, but the others' eyes entrance them, their hearts beating faster. Moonlight trickles in through the bedroom window, making their eyes sparkle, and the love that they feel for each other intensifies.

They bring their faces closer, their lips almost touching. They both know that this moment is perfect, absolutely nothing can stop it.

At long last their lips meet, and they enter the moment they've both waited for so long. Something they both didn't know they needed, swiftly becoming a display of the most intense, passionate love that they'd never have guessed they would find in each other.

Their mouths meet, tongues intertwining, their warm bodies pressed against each other. Their breaths mingle in the almost-dark, their lips moving in sync. Lars lets out a soft moan as he feels Kirk's tongue against his, and he immediately knows it's a feeling neither of them will ever get tired of.

For a moment they pull apart, their faces still close. Kirk cradles Lars' face in his hands, and they lose themselves in each other's eyes once again.

"Wow," gasps Lars, his whole body aching for more of Kirk's affection. "That was so much better than last night."

Kirk gently nods. "You're not helping yourself. That kiss just made me want more..."

With one swift movement, Kirk moves his hands from Lars' cheeks to his waist, and hauls him up into his arms. Lars squeals as he's carried over to his bed and gently laid down, and he let's out soft giggles, his face a warm shade of pink. His heart feels like it's about to explode from happiness, as this is better than all his dreams have ever been.

Their lips lock together again as they cling to each other, not wanting to be apart for a single second. They both love the thrill of it, the feeling that they shouldn't be sneaking around like this, but they're not going to stop any time soon.

They pull apart again, their lips still longing to linger with the other's.

"Would you call me your boyfriend?" Kirk whispers, staring at Lars through eyelids half lidded in pleasure. Lars can only giggle, his heart beating out of his chest with the intensity of his love.

"Of course," Lars replies, reaching up to plant another small kiss on Kirk's lips.

"We're boyfriends now, Kirky." He says, stroking Kirk's hair. "And now you're stuck with me forever."

Kirk giggles. "I know I used to be scared of it, but I don't care what people think anymore. I'd tell the world about us if you let me."

"I'd tell the world too," whispers Lars with an excited giggle. "I'd just start randomly kissing you in the middle of an interview."

Kirk chuckles. "That's a great idea."

Kirk lowers his head towards Lars again, but at that moment, there's a knock at the door.

"There's always a way for us to be interrupted, isn't there?" Lars sighs. "I'll answer it."

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