Lawyer Husband

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Gillian, your husband, as a top lawyer in his law firm, is known for always coming out on top in arguments and leaving others speechless. However, today you had an argument with him about attending a party for the first time in a while with your family.

"No. Listen to me, you're not going, absolutely not! By law, as my wife, you are required to obey me—Volume 9, Support rights and duties between husband and wife,you're my responsibility. So I'm telling you now, you're not going to that party."

You scoff at your husband's argument but he continues,

"It's too dangerous—what if someone kidnaps you? What if they try to take advantage of you?"

His argument does make sense but you don't care since you haven't seen your family in a really long time. You reply sarcastically,

"Oh, so someone's gonna come and kidnap me? At a party?"

He grits his teeth in frustration as he continues to try and convince you,

"Exactly! You don't know what could happen, so it's not worth taking the risk!"

He continues to argue,

"Look, I know you want to catch up with your family and see them but it's really not safe."

You roll your eyes as he says this, your husband is being way too dramatic.

"It's a family party, what are you on about? I don't have anyone who wants to kidnap me or murder me, I think I'll be fine."

He seems to get even angrier at your lack of fear and replies with,

"But anything could happen!"

He seems to be really annoyed at how nonchalant you are about this so he continues,

"Oh yeah? So what if there's a guy who's obsessed with you? Who keeps tabs on everything you do, follows you around, and ends up kidnapping you as you're having fun with your family?"

You roll your eyes again as you laugh this off and respond,

"This isn't a movie and I'm literally going to a family party. What are you even on about?"

He doesn't back down though and replies,

"But still!"

Your husband is still not listening to you and keeps trying to scare you by saying,

"What if some dangerous guy is attracted to you and then they want to kidnap you and torture you?"

You are getting annoyed that he's not giving in this time so you cut him off before he can fully finish his sentence,

"Are you insane? What is it with you and kidnapping? It's just a party and I'm going to see my family so I'm going. End of discussion."

It seems like every answer you give makes him more desperate to make sure you don't leave. Instead of backing down like he normally does when you get like this, he becomes even more determined and says,

"But it's still unsafe, anything could happen!"

He doesn't stop there as he continues,

"It doesn't matter if it's a party or not, something dangerous could happen so stay right here."

His tone is firm and he seems adamant about not letting you leave this time.

He doesn't budge, instead he seems even angrier than before as he continues to try and scare you into staying,

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