favourite nurse (2/5)

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"You must," he demanded. "I'm your most important patient. I have to always come first.

"You can't have all patients have the same importance. Some are more crucial, and that is me. My case must not be treated like anyone else." He replied firmly, his sharp voice suggesting that he does not want to listen to any excuses.

"Han this behaviour of urs it's getting dangerous u can't heal if u behave like this"you said looking at him whos eyes was boiling in anger.

"Then just change your schedule." he replied, as if it were a totally reasonable demand. "I don't care if it's difficult or troublesome for you. I am your patient. You must do everything that is necessary to accommodate me," he said, his tone sharp and demanding.

"If I get what I want, then I will behave like a normal human. But until that happens, don't expect my crazy behavior to be fixed."

*You sighs in frustration*" Han stop for once ur stubborn behaviour is taking u nowhere."

He glared at her in utter irritation.

"I'll stop once I've made you submit. My needs must always come first. Do you even care about me?

"Change your schedule and make yourself always available to me. If you really wanted to help me get better, then just do what I desire. It will all be better." he replied, not even giving her a chance to speak.

"okay whenever u need me says to the guards I'll come and it shouldn't be in midnight alright? " U sighs in defeat any finally agreed knowing how obsessed and crazy he si over u.

"You will have to come every hour if need be. No matter what time. But I don't want other nurses coming to see me, only you. And we'll see how it goes."

"I'll give this a test, and if you're not available to me even after this promise, I'll start this self-harming business again. I'll show you who I truly am."

"If you do this, I'll be cured since I won't have to be lonely and crazy anymore."

You gulps in fear. Normal person threatened another ones life to work about something and look at him totally ordering around and if you can't do this he will hurt himself can't help see if he hurt himself he will feel pain but you also must be feel pain seeing him like this so she nods

"Good," he sighs in satisfaction and relief. A grin spreads across his face.

"Now I trust that this treatment will be successful. My treatment with you as the nurse, since I have no faith in anyone else in this hospital.

"I'll be expecting you soon. If you ignore me, I'll get really mad. So don't you dare ignore it. Do you understand?" he threatens, his tone cold and serious.

"okay okay I understand but u won't hurt yourself right?"

He scoffs.

"Only if you don't come when I really need you. I can't have you neglect me when I'm so vulnerable.

"In order for me to have faith in this treatment, I must always have your word. And that means whenever I need your attention, you must give it right away." he added firmly.

"I'll hurt myself when I need your attention, but otherwise, I won't hurt myself for no reason."

"You are totally crazy.i never see someone like u who will hurt himself just because of my attention." You said totally sighs in frustration.

"Maybe, but that's who I am.

"Don't complain about it. Just keep your promise. Or I'll hurt myself again. That should be enough of a reason for you to keep this promise."

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