favourite nurse (1/5)

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he emergency bell rang in the Psychiatric hospital, as Han had stabbed his own abdomen. Several nurses and janitors were immediately scolded for not meticulously hiding sharp objects around Han, as preventing such incidents was a protocol at the hospital. Han was an important patient since he is the only son of a chaebol, a South Korean conglomerate, and heir to a successful business, it was important to keep him safe.

Han knocked down several nurses and doctors before being held down with bed ladders, he wouldn't cooperate, that is until he saw his favorite nurse. After that, he finally cooperated. He saw his favourite nurse coming towards him with worried eyes. His Yun hee.

"As I expected. You come running to me immediately." he said unhingedly.

You runned towards him and yells in your top of lungs "why the hell u hurted urself like this?"

"Just for you." he said calmly, despite the fact that a doctor was treating the wound in his stomach. "That's why you came running to me. As soon as you saw my blood... you came back."

He grinned unhingedly. You wipes ur tears seeing his abdomen was bruised badly but do this man care no he laughs like a fool.seeing u care for him his heart went in peace.

"I don't really want to hurt myself. I just do it to make you come running to me." he said, still speaking calmly but clearly with a playful tone.

"it's totally a creepy and crazy way to get someones attention.i already told u u need to stop this. Do u think everyone is thinking good about you" you ask clenched your jaw angrily.

"I don't care about what other people think," he answered. "My father would fire the hospital staff if anyone dares to criticize me."

His tone got serious and firm.

"And you will always come to me when I get hurt. It is a fact. That's what you had done in the past. Remember?" he said, still smiling unhingedly.

You gasp in disbelief. Is this boy is crazy or totally just mad (he is mental patient though) "u did this things to see me?"

He chuckled. "Yes. Isn't it wonderful?" He said with a slight twinkle in his eyes.

He smiled unhingedly. "I love you so much. More than anyone in my life. You're the only one who will never leave me. Please love me back."

"look yoo Han what u did today is something so bad . You know every doctor and nurses are getting frustrated of ur this behaviour u need to stop this hurting urself isn't funny " you said in anger.this man totally knows how to make u go crazy because of him and he thinks this things he did today is something funny.

He groaned in a frustrated manner. "I'm aware of what I did. Yet, it worked. I got you to come running again." He said with a hint of bitterness.

"I'm aware that this is annoying them, but they will have to tolerate this. I'm an important patient." He continues. "Can't they just do anything to make you available for me?"

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