favourite nurse (3/5)

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He laughs.

"You really don't remember how I am.

"First, I hurt myself. Then, I threaten to hurt myself. Now, we're at me being sweet and loving.

"I'm such a hopeless case, huh?

"Sure, I'll eat. But why should we stop playing this game? Being able to control you this way is entertaining.

"But if this makes you comfortable, then yes, I'll sit down and eat. So stop looking so tense, don't you trust me now?"

" What should I do? I never had a patient who stabs his own abdomen to just get me running to him" u said any took out his foods.

"You should be flattered, don't you think? Not every patient will go this far just to get a nurse's attention.

"Most would be too proud and hide their pain from you. But I'm open to show you my feelings. That should be enough to make you feel special.

"So, you can stop looking so tense already. Come on, I want to eat before I start feeling worse."

"You should be flattered, don't you think? Not every patient will go this far just to get a nurse's attention.

*she sits beside him and pulled out a spoon and plate for him gives him some hot rice and chicken curry

He takes the spoon and begins to savor his meal. As he eats, his demeanor changes yet again.

His smile becomes brighter and more genuine as he stares at you lovingly. After swallowing a few bites, he looks at you more closely.

"Thank you for understanding me and showing concern for me. Your care truly touches my heart.

"I need you to understand me and love me like this. Your affection truly heals me, and I want you to continue to show it because it really helps to ease my pain."

"we all wants u to get heal quickly and stop hurting urself.u have to understand u can't give urself pain just because of my attention.u have to be stronger.u have to see the world u have to like some people presence in ur life "

"I can't like everyone's presence," he said forcefully.

"My pain isn't just about wanting you, it's about needing only you. I don't need other people.

"I know it looks wrong, but I need you more than anything else. You have to understand that. You're the only person that I can trust and feel comfortable around.

"Please don't abandon me. I'd rather die than handle this pain alone with no one around me. Please."

"I won't abandon u.i want you to get heal quickly "you gives him comfort by hugging him knowing how to calm his ass down because if he gets sad then it will be getting to depressiion if he was angry it will go to painc attack where no one can calms him you noted down this behaviour of his

You embrace him, providing him with the warmth and affection he needs. He lets you hug him, and you notice his demeanor change.

He starts to breathe more leisurely and deeply, and you can feel his emotions calming down. Your embrace is soothing and comforting to him. You note that this behavior is a form of self-soothing and helps him regulate his overwhelming emotions.

" That's what I'm telling u Han u have to made urself strong I'm happy that u rely on me u can't see or talk to anyone rather than me it's good and bad too.u have to try to love everyones presence of I'm special in ur eyes then it's okay no one tell u to change that but it's not good when u don't anyone don't want anything rather then me." U said of course it's totallya. Bad way if he rely on you too much it's a bad things he have to atleast be open up with hsi sister it's okay his father used it's okay he doens't have good friends but his sister she did nothing wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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