7 (Before)

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Cleo was sitting in his favorite spot in the high school library. It was a pretty quiet place since almost no students went there, so the brown-haired boy always took the opportunity to hang out in that place and read something or just get away from the constant teasing he received from the other students. That day he decided to go to the library earlier because he had experienced a situation with his group of friends that made him feel bad. They had basically picked on him because he never did groups with anyone in any school project and they told him he was privileged because his uncle was the principal and things like that. Those kinds of comments hurt him because they made him feel lesser, but he never did anything like that to his friends because part of him thought that if he did he would be left alone. So he would just keep quiet and then take refuge in the library until the pain in his heart passed. Although it never really did, not completely.

So that was basically the routine Cleo had. When he was really overwhelmed by bad comments towards him and that sort of thing, he would just run away. But that time something different happened. That time he was followed by someone who was concerned about his sudden escape from the cafeteria, the place where he had been bothered by his friends.

"Cleo, right?"

The named turned around quickly in surprise when he heard someone there. And he was even more surprised to see that it was the same blonde girl who had asked him a few days ago if she could sit with him.

"Yeah, that's me."

And of course Leighton remembered. She actually didn't need to ask him whether his name was like that or not because she remembered it perfectly, but she didn't want him to think she was a psychopath or anything like that since they had barely spoken once and that had been days ago. Besides that Leighton always liked to pretend she didn't care about anyone or anything.

"And you are Leighton, the new one." Cleo said remembering also when they had introduced themselves to each other. Because he didn't really care if she was going to think he was a psychopath or not as was the case with the blonde. In fact he wanted to remember those details to make people feel better. Maybe because no one ever had that intention with him.

"Yeah, I know I have an unforgettable name."

'Especially an unforgettable face' Cleo thought but clearly didn't say it. He didn't want to sound like a stalker and scare away the first and only person who had approached him.

"And what are you doing here?" The blonde asked curiously, sitting next to him. "As far as I know, this place is like completely abandoned."

"That's the point, isn't it?" The brunette said with a small smile on his lips, looking around. It was inexplicable the love he felt for that library and the peace you could perceive as soon as you entered.

"Oh, I get it." She said in a tone as if she had cracked the greatest code in the universe.

"You get what?" He questioned in confusion.

"You're one of those who hates people." She said jokingly, making Cleo laugh.

"What? No, I-I don't hate people." He denied trying to explain himself but he got nervous without knowing why.

"Well, you're here by yourself instead of hanging out with your friends at the cafeteria. I think you do."

"No, I don't. I just wanted a moment to myself. Doesn't mean I hate people." He explained, shrugging his shoulders at the blonde. "But if I did, could you blame me?" He said the last thing because of the situation he was constantly experiencing at that high school, although Leighton didn't know it yet.

"No, I actually couldn't." And that answer surprised Cleo a little since she was new and he thought that maybe she hadn't gotten to know anyone yet. But then he thought that maybe the blonde was sociable, unlike him. "Most people here are jerks."

That last one left him in doubt. He knew why he said it, but he wanted to know why she thought that.

"Why you said that? Did they bother you or...?"

'No, they bothered you and that bothered me for some reason' Leighton thought as she remembered the things she saw those first days.

"No." She only responded, preferring not to say what she had really thought. "But they don't have to bother me to know they're assholes." She managed to make sense of her response without seeming suspicious. And Cleo believed her completely, since he didn't need to ask any more.

Then something caught Leighton's attention. Something Cleo had holding in his hands. And when something caught the blonde's attention, nothing could stop her.

"What's that?" She asked with immense curiosity.

And Cleo, noticing that she was referring to his sketchbook, quickly closed it, preventing her from continuing to see.

"Uh, this...it's nothing. It's not-" He tried to say with clear nerves.

"Well, it's clearly something. Let me see it." The blonde said, trying to move forward and thus be able to see something, but he moved the notebook further away.

"No, it's bad." He quickly refused, thus trying to let her continue to insist.

"It can't be bad. Come on, show me."

And Cleo, seeing that he was not going to be able to convince Leighton otherwise, gave up and showed her his notebook. More specifically the last drawing he had made, the one she wanted so much to see.
And when Leighton saw him, her expression completely changed. She was completely amazed to see the perfect drawing of a spaceship that Cleo had made. Suddenly she was speechless, making the brunette think that maybe she didn't like it.

"I told you it was bad." Cleo said once again taking the drawing from Leighton to put it back.

"No, it's not-It's not bad, it's-" She tried to speak, but was having trouble finding the right words to describe what she was thinking.

"Your expression is definitely telling me it's bad." Cleo cut her off feeling a little embarrassed for having shown her something so private. But Leighton had a power of convincing that was impressive.

"Well then you're reading my expression wrong." She said laughing lightly. "Cleo, this is...this is incredible." She finally managed to tell him. "How did you even do this? It has so much detail. My god, I could never do something like this."

"It's no big deal." He shook his head, dismissing it.

"No big deal?" She repeated, incredulous at hearing him say that. "What the hell is your problem? That drawing is amazing. How can you say it's no big deal?"


"No, say it."

He frowned at her, now confused.

"Say what?"

"That the drawing is amazing." She explained and then noticed Cleo was not at all willing to do it. "I'm not leaving until I hear you say it, so..." She said with a shrug, crossing her legs as she settled on the couch. "Come on, I'm waiting."

"All right." Cleo accepted, completely surrendered, again. "The drawing is...it's amazing." He said with difficulty since he never praised himself for the things he had done.

"Okay." Leighton took his words at face value, however vague they may have sounded. "Next time, try to sound more convincing."

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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