The Misadventures of Sunghoon

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Sunghoon: winces as he inspects his finger "Ouch, that's a deep cut."

Sunoo: quickly grabbing Sunghoon's hand "Let me kiss it to make it better, hyung."

Sunghoon: raising an eyebrow "How does that help?"

Sunoo: "Trust me, it's a proven method. My mom used to do it for me and my sister all the time."

Sunghoon: skeptically "Well, okay then. Give it a shot."

[Sunoo leans in and plants a gentle kiss on Sunghoon's injured finger.]

Sunghoon: surprised "Huh, that actually feels... kinda nice."

Sunoo: smirking triumphantly "See? I told you it works."


Sunghoon: approaching Heeseung with a determined look "Hey Heeseung hyung, I need to ask you for a favor."

Heeseung: curiously "Sure, what do you need?"

Sunghoon: hesitantly "I know this sounds weird, but I need you to punch my lip really, really hard."

Heeseung: stunned "What the hell? Why would you want me to do that?"

Sunghoon: sheepishly "It's for... uh, personal reasons. Just trust me on this one."

Heeseung: shaking his head in disbelief "I don't know what's going on in that head of yours, but I'm not punching your lip, Sunghoon."

Sunghoon: sighing in defeat "Yeah, I didn't think you'd go for it. Worth a shot though."

Sunoo: walking by, overhearing the conversation "Wait, why would you want Heeseung hyung to punch your lip? Is this some kind of new trend?"

Sunghoon: blushing "It's nothing like that. I just heard it helps with... uh, swelling."

Sunoo: raising an eyebrow "Swelling? What did you do this time?"

Sunghoon: sheepishly "Well, let's just say there was a mishap with a door."

Sunoo: trying to hold back laughter "A door? How did you manage to hurt yourself with a door?"

Sunghoon: mumbling "It's a long story..."

Heeseung: chuckling "Alright, Sunghoon, come here. I won't punch your lip, but I can give you some ice instead."

Sunghoon: gratefully "Thanks, hyung. Ice sounds much better than a punch."

Sunoo: smirking "Looks like Sunghoon's quest for unconventional remedies continues."

The members of Enhypen share a laugh as they continue to navigate through Sunghoon's eccentric solutions to everyday problems, knowing that their bond and sense of humor will always see them through any situation.


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