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Days passed away along with the short uncertain time period which Subhadra had asked from Duryodhan to consider his proposal

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Days passed away along with the short uncertain time period which Subhadra had asked from Duryodhan to consider his proposal. In those days Hidimba kept saying repeatedly to Subhadra that she didn't need to consider anything, and she should deny the proposal, directly.

Demons were strong enough to protect themselves with their illusion, demonic illusion. Subhadra too knew that, but didn't wish live demons under constant threat of conflict, that too for forever since Ashwatthama was immortal due to the gem on his head.

On a fine day, Subhadra sent message to Duryodhan for meeting her.

"So, what have you decided?" Duryodhan was confident to get a positive answer. Hence, he had an over confident smile on his face.

"I can't find anything in you which will make me consider your proposal, positively," Subhadra spilled out the truth in a bitter tone.

"So, are you ready for an endless enmity?" the confident smile of Duryodhan was replaced by an evil smirk.

"Will you let me complete my words?" She glared at him in pure anger.

"So, I was saying that you didn't have anything which will make me imagine anything with you. I am the princess of Dwarka, the divine land. So, I should get marry to someone who would possess a land unlike Dwarka," with a cunning build up she started to execute her plan.

"At this time only Indraprastha is suitable to be mentioned along with Dwarka in terms of beauty and divinity. It is the center of attraction in whole Aryavrat," she praised Indraprastha in a dreamy tone, making Duryodhan feel jealous.

"I can even win Indraprastha for you. So, shall I?" He approached as he was proposing her like a gentleman which he wasn't, obviously.

"Listen, I don't want you to do anything. I just shared the choice of my future. Rest is up to you," she faked an attitude gaining more of his attention.

"Don't you think that you shouldn't put forward any condition in front of me? Your side needs peace more than ours," Duryodhan had the habit of taking advantage of need of others. So, he tried the same on Subhadra.

"Peace is the base of prosperity. Everyone and every side needs it. I feel pity for them who tries to measure the extent of necessity of peace," in respect of peace Subhadra's tone softened.

"And, I have all the rights to put forward condition, because I am the princess of Dwarka like which no kingdom has emerged out till now except Indraprastha," coming back to action, she provoked Duryodhan once more.

"See you later if you get succeeded in doing something," saying so, she left from there sighing out all the irritation which was influenced by Duryodhan's presence.

Subhadra had become successful in misguiding Duryodhan, and it was clearly shown on his face which had the glimpse of cheer imagining a war with Pandav brothers.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

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(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.




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