1 - The Newcomer

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"H-Hey! Wait up!"

Kaito Momota laughed, speeding up as Kaede Akamatsu fought to keep up with him. He glanced over his shoulder, grinning widely when he caught sight of her expression.

"C'mon, is that all you got?!"

"Kaito, slow down!" she snapped. Luckily for her, he had to stop to catch his breath very quickly, stifling his laughter as she reached him.

"Geez!" she gasped, smoothing down her skirt. "At least give me a warning next time!"

"A warning? Where's the fun in that?" Kaito smirked, folding his arms behind his head. "Besides, when you're an astronaut, you have to be ready for anything!"

"Whatever... as if that counts.." Kaede huffed. Despite her apparent irritation, a smile tugged at her lips as they continued to walk. He caught it, returning her expression with a bright grin of his own.

The Ultimate Astronaut's eyes trailed upwards, watching as fluffy clouds streaked across the sky. He knew his musical friend didn't mind his sudden bursts of energy, which is why they were so close. Since they were kids, the two grew up together, always uplifting the other, and remained the best of friends when they were both chosen to attend Hope's Peak Academy.

Kaito chuckled, recalling the day they had recieved their invitations. Although he got along amazingly with their classmates during his first few months as an Ultimate student, he couldn't have asked for a better friend than her. Just like her music, the Ultimate Pianist was passionate, bright, and energetic. In every sense of the word, Kaede Akamatsu was his kindred twin sister in spirit.

Before they reached the main school building, the pair heard a call behind them and turned.

"Hey, Kaito! Kaede!"


Kaito watched as the Ultimate Survivor and class representative slowed to a halt, eyebrow raised.

"What's up man?" he greeted. Rantaro Amami smiled.

"Nothing much. Actually, I'm trying to get everyone to class on time today. They've finally transferred someone over to the final spot in our class."

"Really?" Kaede gasped. "They found a sixteenth?"

"Yes." he confirmed. "I'll catch you guys later. See you in class."

"How 'bout that!" Kaito grinned as he walked past them. "Another one of the gang, huh?"

"I wonder who the new student is." Kaede hummed, as she always did when she was deep in thought. "It must be a guy, right? That would make it 8 - 8."

"Huh, you're right!" the astronaut nodded, impressed. "Way to go Kaede! Quick thinking as always!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." she dismissed, waving a hand as they started walking again. "Let's hurry up and go or we're gonna be late!"

A scoff escaped Kaito's lips as she suddenly grinned and started sprinting across the school campus, rushing past milling students nearby.

The cheek! She's not gonna get away with that!

Returning her laughter with his own, he followed her quickly, meeting her in the lobby. They worked to stifle it as they traversed the school corridors, headed towards their classroom, and walked inside.

"Hey guys!" K1-B0 smiled, waving from his seat as they entered. Kaede eagerly reciprocated the Ultimate Robot's greeting.

"Hi Keebo! Hi everyone!"

Enthusiastic remarks met hers. As they found their seats, Kaito looked around. The only other people there was Kirumi Tojo, the Ultimate Maid, Gonta Gokuhara, the Ultimate Entomologist, Ryoma Hoshi, the Ultimate Tennis Player and Tsumugi Shirogane, the Ultimate Cosplayer. As time passed, however, more of their classmates started to arrive, adding to the whirl of conversation sorrounding one sole topic.

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