4 - Sweet and Sour

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"I have to go."

Before anyone could respond, Maki stood up, collecting her things before she stormed out. Shuichi frowned as Kaede stared after her worriedly.

Orphanage... huh...? Is she-

"C'mon, you guys, what are we waiting for?" Kaito said suddenly. Ignoring the stares from the rest of their classmates, he stood, and the other two, confused yet concerned for their classmate, joined him in gathering their things and heading out.

"H-Hey!" Kaede called, after a minute of walking. "We don't know where she is, do we?"

The trio paused, realising that she was right. They wanted to talk to Maki but had no idea where she ran off to.

"Is there a place she usually spends her free time?" Shuichi asked, wondering if they knew her well enough to read her routine, but they shook their heads.

"No... we don't." Kaede replied, unusually downcast. "She's always by herself, and she moves like a shadow. If there's a place she usually hangs around, none of us could guess where."

"Damn..." Kaito muttered, realising she was right, but Shuichi thought carefully. Suddenly, he looked up.

"Are we allowed to leave school grounds during class?"

"No.. only during recess and lunch." Kaede answered. "Why?"

"That narrows things down..." he responded, thinking hard. "What about the student dorms? Are we allowed there?"

"Yeah....!" Kaito gasped, catching on to Shuichi's brainwave. "Awesome thinking, man! Maki's totally there!"

Shuichi laughed nervously but Kaede became excited, seemingly forgetting about her anxiety for a few moments.

"Great job! Nothing less to expect from the Ultimate Detective!"

Shuichi fell short as she and Kaito started running for the dorm corridors, his chest suddenly tight. Not for the first time, he felt strange. Good, without a doubt, but strange.

Shaking his head, he sped up, attempting to match the pace of his new friends.

Friends. Even that word... I-

"Here!" Kaito whispered harshly, skidding to a stop. Shuichi momentarily released his train of thought as they approached Maki's door but then Kaede blocked them both.

"I got this." she murmured softly. The boys looked at each other but nodded, watching her as she rang the doorbell, then again. Then one more time.

"Maki! Come on out! We have to address this sooner or later and you know it!"

Just when she stopped, considering giving up, the door opened. They could see Maki's eyes, dark with irritation.

"Ever heard of privacy?"

"I'm sorry, Maki, but you didn't need to run off like that!" Kaede insisted. "We want to be here for you!"

She took a step closer to Maki but the brunette stepped back. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at each of them in turn.

"I don't need your pity."

"Maki, we're-"

"Who said we're giving you pity?"

Everyone turned, stunned, but Kaito looked confused. He tilted his head, as if wondering why everyone was looking at him.

"...I'm not wrong, am I? Why'd you suddenly run off like that anyway?"

Shuichi stared blankly at the astronaut, but something told him he wasn't writing off Maki's secret to be insensitive. It was like he wasn't even aware of it.

Life's True Worth - A Kaimaki/Saimatsu StoryWhere stories live. Discover now