- An Eye for an Eye -

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     Onyx's eyes widened in horror, his fingers gripping the frigid concrete floor. His breath caught in his throat as he pressed his back against the brick wall behind him.

Blood poured from the gaping hole in his attacker's chest, a clawed hand came only inches away from piercing his skin.

The assailant stilled and his eyes flashed white beneath the eyelids. Yet Onyx seemed to see right through it.

—Ba dump —Ba dump

A bare beating heart gushed blood from the severed veins, falling and staining the claw that previously ripped it from the now dead body.

The heart contracted and expanded sporadicly, no blood reentering but blood exiting the heart endlessly.

It was unworldly. For the size of the heart, the amount of blood escaping it didn't add up. And the pitch black claw and seemed to hold the heart so gently, as it moved closer to Onyx.

Rivers of crimson blood poured onto Onyx's pants and the end of his shirt.

"Grab it, it's yours." An eerie voice echoed in the background, "You can have it."

Onyx could hear the smirk in their voice.

Onyx let out a shaky breath, his own heart pounding from what seemed the back of his ears. Yet it did nothing to block that voice.

The assailant body went limp in the air but something was holding it up, Onyx didn't know what it was but he knew it was his savior... could he even call it that?

It wasn't human. Onyx knew that for sure. Something was weighing down on his stomach, something in the back of his head said that this was a bad idea.

But he didn't want to end up like that assailant did, Onyx followed the heart as the claw slowly waved the beating heart in front of him. Offering it to him to take.

Onyx had to steel his heart and he reached up to grasp the beating heart in his hand. Onyx was too focused on not trying to throw up from the squishy tissue of the heart and the beating heart that seemed to shake his whole body in rhythm.

Ba dump —Ba dump

Too focused to hear the sound of skin stretching to fit the inhuman size of the smile on the owner of the claw.

"Yes, there you go, Onyx."

Onyx didn't know what he feeling. Whether he should or shouldn't be surprised it knew his name. Or whether should he be running away from it. Or, be happy that maybe it killed his attacker. Or-

"Now squeeze it."

The assailants body fell to the ground with a thud as thick clogged blood clung to the fabric of the victim's clothes.

Now Onyx had his dead's attacker's beating heart in his hand but not in his control. A black smoked humanoid figure materialized behind where the Assailant once stood lifelessly.

Onyx's pupils dilated to accustom the now darkening alleyway around him. Black nearly eclipsing brown.  

"Squeeze it until it pops!" The voice got louder as he hesitated, jagged teeth formed on the face of the monster.

Ba dump —Ba dump

Onyx hesitated once again. Who wouldn't? It was living being, even if that person threatened his own life.

He wasn't heartless like his assailant. Metaphorically and, now literally.

"Squeeze that heart before I take yours!" The voice seemed to distort the louder it got, but Onyx heard every word crystal clear.

God, he didn't want to do this. He could only pray that it would stick to its word. Onyx brought his other hand to encircle the heart in its entirety and squeezed as hard as he could.

Ba du—POP!

The heart exploded under his hands like a balloon. He kept squeezing even after it popped, he knew in the back of his mind; he needed to appease it for hesitating for so long.

The remains of the heart squelched like gooey slime under his hands, escaping through the gaps and falling onto the ground with a splat.

This time, Onyx couldn't hold back the bile that accumulated in his mouth.

It laughed maniacally, like Onyx just played a spectacular performance just for it. Tears fell from Onyx's eyes, his body shuddering under its gaze.

What has he done? No. He tried to rationalize with himself.

He didn't kill him, it killed him. The assailant was already dead before he did that.

"Don't cry Onyx, you're gonna make me feel bad." Suddenly, the humanoid figure was crouching in front of him and was wiping the salty tears from his cheeks. The claws scraping against the pale skin of his jaw.

"But you know what isn't going to make me feel bad, Onyx?" The figure tilted Onyx's face to it, but Onyx only stared numbly to where he thinks the eyes of its face should be.

"Staining you. Staining you black like I am, I was once in your position." It spoke, its face adverted as if it was reminiscing. "I don't remember how long ago that was. But... you should look forward to it."

Onyx gulped audibly, his heart dropped to his stomach.

His hands stained red, all the way to his elbow.

He already was stained. Red.

"It must be a coincidence, your mother and father must've put a lot of thought into that name. Onyx." His name rolled off its tongue slyly, "it's a gemstone isn't it? Black too?"


It's like- "Fate, isn't it?"

Like it read his mind.

Something didn't add up. Onyx didn't believe in coincidences. Or fate for that matter.

"But you don't believe in that don't you? Here, I'll tell you something. I'll only tell you once, and you have to figure out the rest on your own. It's not a coincidence."

Onyx's face dropped.

How does this figure know everything, everything he's gonna say. Everything he's thinking, and everything about him.

It's as if-

"Who- Who are you?" Onyx spoke for the first time. His voice was hysterical.

"I am you." It said.

999 words
(not counting this A/N)

I have no reason other than I am lazy for not updating to the people who requested for their own one shot.

I'm sorry. I really am not built for this work. I wanna do it. But I'm not built for it. So if you request, don't expect it to be done.

But, if you like this one shot I created in an hour. I'll make a second part to this.

If this gets a couple comments, I'll make another sequel. (No promises) ❤️❤️❤️

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