- Misty Troubles -

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Misty Troubles? I don't know why. I can't get it out of my head.

Fandom - Percy Jackson

Ship - Solangelo (Nico x Will)

Request - I_am_a_dude

Word Count - 2488


The soft chill that ran through the air, the pale snowflakes that if Thalia's pine tree wasn't there, Nico would have the experience of it melting on his pale skin. Maybe catching one with his tongue or admiring the unique patterns.

Sure, Thalia's tree barrier blocked snow from piling inside Half-Blood camp but it didn't hinder the coldness that came with Winter.

Oddly enough, Nico didn't feel cold.

Which was very strange. Nico was always cold, even down in the Underworld, visiting his father Hades with Will tagging along.

The cold he grew accustomed to after Bianca died.

The cold of cabin he only resided in, the loneliness and lack of warmth of another human being.

How his voice was hoarse and raspy from never being used.

Well, until Will came around. Melting the tight grasps of ice that surrounded his heart, chipping away at the walls that enclosed his mind. His voice coming back into that smooth and quiet voice, talking more in a day than he had in multiple months.

Will was a stubborn man, Nico will say that a million times over. Even despite the coldness and aloofness he'd shown Will, he never gave up on Nico.

Always following him like a lost puppy to a new master, tagging along in any adventure—that usually consists of short roaming of the camp before he hid himself back in his cabin—and stubbornly insisting he came along to visit Hades in the Underworld.

I haven't done that in a long while. Will has been very adamant in staying up on the surface for the past year and every time I bring it up, he's quick to change the topic.

Does he not like the Underworld? Or does he not like to hang out with me anymore?

Nico was quick to shove that negative thought out of his head, shaking his head softly.

Nevertheless, Nico wasn't cold. He didn't feel cold. He didn't act coldly towards others unless he has personal grudge against them.

Nico felt warm.

For two main reasons.

First, his over abundance of clothes that covered his body like onions with layers. Encapsulating the tiny amount of real body heat his body had at times.

Secondly, Will Solace. The man currently slotted against his side at the Apollo table in the mess hall.

Will just exuded warmth, happiness, confidence, and an overall ball of energy.

The exact opposite of Nico.

Nico definitely stood out like a sore thumb in a table full of beaming Apollo kids, sitting on the edge of the table as he silently ate his dinner.

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