Day 3-4: Hot tubs aren't avoidance

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The earth is created of mostly water, yet most of our knowledge of magical creatures is centered around land-dwelling creatures. Perhaps that is because no one dares to journey below the depths to see how mermaids live. Also, it could be because of the history of sirens killing so many humans. Either way, further research is required before categorizing creatures within the Hunter's Guild catalog. — Research Department, Hunter's Guild Annual Report, 2001


Steam billows around me as I close my eyes to shut out the chatter from the others in the hot tub. A young fae couple was taking turns creating ice and melting it to the delight of some human newlyweds.

Zale isn't here. I lost him after agreeing that maybe we shouldn't have dinner together. Eating separately on our balconies (a floor apart) might be better.

Space. We got too close, and now we need space. I cannot complain; it isn't like I didn't want a solo trip. I could even go find a human fling. Something simple without things like weirdly powerful abilities to attract attention.

Mixed blood.

What type of mixed blood would create a power that can intertwine and challenge my silver shield. Nymph magic is powerful because we still have ties to the gods and goddesses. We keep a kernel of that magic within us and let it interact with the earth they once ruled. The elements they once commanded.

It's why I still can't stop thinking about the goddess on the other side walking through a garden of flowers. She wills me to be part of her garden. I am forever connected to her. If she breaks free from the veil, will I still have a will of my own? Will I just literally wilt into something?

Males don't usually possess nymph powers. Maybe Zale has a mixture of fae and something else. Something so old that it hides behind the veil, and he doesn't want to talk about it. Or, it's something embarrassing.

I start filtering through the mental catalog of creatures I learned about at the Hunter's Guild. Images of centaurs, leprechauns, and images filter through my head. Pixie, probably not.

Ugh, I'm supposed to be on vacation, not solving the mystery of Zale's genealogy, which he doesn't want to share.

And I shouldn't be upset that he doesn't want to share. It isn't part of our arrangement. I open my eyes and let them flitter up to his balcony. The curtains are closed, light filtering out around them. One of the many aggravating things that aren't part of our arrangement.

Wait, nope. Not going there. Fling or no fling, I shouldn't get involved with that. That surely attracts crazy. That is why I have a job outside this hot tub and Maui. I deal with the messes these types of creatures cause.

The curtains pull apart on his balcony. I turn my eyes away from the opening balcony doors before he can catch me staring. Instead, I focus on the setting sun. Its shades of pink and orange splash the horizon as a whale jumps in the distance.

My neck hairs rise and prickle in awareness of his gaze as I sit in the hot tub staring at the sunset. The sigh leaves my nose. It really is rude to stare. I turn to send him a glare or one-finger salute, but he isn't there anymore.

Rolling my shoulders, I turn back to the waves. In a few moments, I will climb out of here and return to my room to order dinner. The thought of being around more people in a restaurant just seemed draining. And, with all the money I'm saving from hanging around Zale, I can afford the splurge.

Tomorrow, we will leave for Hana early in the morning. So, an early night wouldn't be a bad thing.


Koa lets out another string of curses as we go around another tight corner on the road to Hana. About an hour ago, he stopped pointing out interesting waterfalls, or Zale and I had stopped showing interest in them.

"Fuckin' tourist vans," Koa mutters, slowing down so we can wait for our turn to cross another one-lane bridge.

I hid my smirk behind a fist while observing the wild foliage spilling over the sides of the road. Flowers and large leaves create a beautiful backdrop. To my left, Zale stares at the ocean, folding upon itself as it approaches shore.

We haven't talked much this morning. The most Zale has done is hand me an ube latte before motioning towards Koa's Mercedes. Maybe he's just tired, but the silence unnerves me. Usually, Zale is talking by now. But with every mile they get closer to Hana, he seems to go further into his shell as if building his own armor.

Perhaps I should have spoken to him, or at least acknowledged him, when he stood on the balcony last night. We were in some sort of business agreement together. But, there still was some level of friendship there. Not a close one, but one in which we should acknowledge each other, like my high school lab partner. We don't need to catch up over coffee and discuss our latest crushes, but at least provide a slight nod. A recognition of existing.

Wait, is he mad at me for not doing that? I glance over at him and analyze his future. No, he wouldn't have gotten me the latte if he was mad. But, maybe he thought I was upset, so he got me the ube latte to calm me down. What if he is trying to move on from a lab partner type of friendship to one where we provide more personal details. I'm not sure there is enough time for such a level of—

"Shit," I hiss as the car takes a sharp turn, making me bump into Zale. "Sorry."

He smiles at me, "No worries."

"Sorry, you two. These drivers are tourist idiots. Definitely not aloha," Koa hisses.

"Sorry to inconvenience you," I say.

Koa shakes his head, "No, it isn't an inconvenience. This time of year is better because it isn't the height of tourist season." He sighs. "These tourist vans and people don't know when to yield."

My head nods in understanding as I look ahead at the narrow road. Unconsciously, my nails dig into my palm and then release as we pass a larger truck teetering close to the midline.

"We will get there in plenty of time," Koa sighs. "Then, I'll be able to rest while you two hike around Wai'ānapanapa and look at the black sands. We just need to get out of there with plenty of time to get to the red sands at Kaihalulu after. There's a chicken place that you both need to try."

"Sounds great," Zale's smile doesn't reach his eyes. "How much longer?"

Koa clicks his tongue. " Well, if these idiots decide to learn how to drive, there's about an hour left. We can take our time getting back if you two want to hike or do anything else."

Zale meets my gaze in question. I shrug in response. He seems to ponder my face for a moment as I study his for any clues that might tell me why he seems more subdued today.

"We'll see how we feel after the other two stops," Zale says.

I nod, "yeah, I think the sands are more important than the bamboo forest." An evil smirk forms on my lips. "Well, unless you suggest coming back tomorrow."

Koa's eyes flash to mine in the mirror. "If you want a new driver, you can."

The car erupts into light laughter before we settle back in our seats. I glance again at Zale. His dark hair glistens in shades of black and hues of dark blue as he continues to study the horizon. The muscles in his tan jaw tense slightly before he turns to me.

Zale raises a dark eyebrow in question. I offer a tight smile and turn back to my window, muttering something about it being a beautiful day or the ocean being beautiful. The low rumbling of his chuckle causes my cheeks to heat. Maybe I was an idiot to worry about him. His ego is company enough for him.

Word Count: 1,354

Total Word Count: 11,650

Paige Byrne needs a vacationWhere stories live. Discover now