Day One, Focal News

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April 8, 2086

Where were you when it happened?

Admin has rated this question the most common thread of recent discourse across the world. Despite conflicting theories of what occurred just a few hours ago, it seems we all can agree we've witnessed an unprecedented event today. The most popular theory is that gravity, one of what we once considered fundamental laws of physics, paused for approximately 2 seconds. The foundations of all we know have certainly been shaken, but have they been shattered?

Unfortunately, Dr. Howard, the current Leader of Scientific Discovery, has not yet spoken in The Conversation, and the rest of the Department of Metaphysical Technologies seems to be just as quiet. This leaves the rest of the world waiting for their announcement and advice, not knowing if this event is the harbinger of apocalypse or a new curiosity to propel humanity further into the unknown.

In the wake of this anomaly, what are people saying, and what can we expect next? This reporter recommends looking to the past to find an answer.

The Department of Metaphysical Technologies (MetaTech) was not always the pride of Unity; the group behind it had their beginning long before the establishment of a worldwide government. In the late 2020's, a software engineer named Leo Lee led a collaboration between scientists, artists, and philosophers to develop and guide the AI models that grew to become those we use today. As the technology and our understanding blossomed around artificial intelligence, Lee and his team dared to envision a world living in harmony with advanced digital personalities capable of supporting humanity's many endeavors, both the sublime and mundane. Their work set the stage for several key AI-centric systems, such as 3-dimensional atomic data storage, commercial fusion reactors, single-source management models, and ultimately, Admin.

When the national government of the Allied States voted to contract a private company to lead the development of Admin's predecessor, an early and major step toward Unity, Leo Lee and collaborators won the chance to significantly change the course of history, and the Department of Metaphysical Technologies was formed. Ever since then, MetaTech has led us through the unknown to the other side of many crises, including climate change and orbital crowding. I think it's safe to say they will continue to do so, even through something as big as gravity pausing.

Until we receive new information, we're left only with theories and stories, which provide plenty to process. When asked about today's event, one observer said the following:

"Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, especially if gravity stops. I'm just hoping the apple is okay."

Indeed, the next few moments will likely determine the fate of the proverbial apple that is humanity. Hopes are high we're looking at an exciting post-physics reality and not at an unstoppable fraying of the fabric that holds it all together. Whatever the case may be, humanity may prove ready to face it together.

This has been Mica Rogue with Focal News.

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