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Theodosia didn't care for her name. She never thought it suited her and had quickly shortened it. Her parents had been resistant, but eventually they called her Theo and everyone else followed suit. Granted, she still had to tolerate being called "Lady Theo", but she picked her battles.

"Lady Theo, you have some letters," a maid said as she found her sitting on a branch, reading a book.

Like many fairies, Theo's home was high in the treetops. It would be nearly impossible to reach without flying, so she and the other fairies we safe from most attackers. She lived in a small treehouse by herself, but it was connected to her parents' larger home by a bridge. Externally, the houses didn't look like much. They blended into the trees for added security. Inside, however, they were usually decorated with bright colors.

"Thanks." Theo took the letters from the maid and balanced her book on the branch as she opened the first one, her eyes widening as she recognized Morganite's flowy script. It was a long-winded letter that almost sounded like an apology, but was just vague enough not to make it clear she was accepting responsibility for anything. At the end was a note that Morganite wanted to be friends again.

Theo snorted and tucked it into her pocket, figuring she'd come up with a good response later. She opened the next letter, which was from Amatus. She hadn't heard much from him since the school closed down. His letter was even more shocking than Morganite's as Theo read that he and Arabella were getting married. She nearly laughed at the absurdity of such a match.

She grabbed her book and returned to her room, which was decorated with black curtains interlaced with silver. Her bedding matched. Her parents didn't care for her style, but they encouraged her to express herself, so that was what she did.

She was rereading the letters when there was a knock at her door. She tucked them under her pillow before answering. She smiled as the fairy who stood there. "Hey, Sophie."

Sophronia was a slender fairy with soft, blonde hair she kept short. She and Theo had grown up together. Theo wouldn't consider her a close friend, but she liked the girl well enough. Sophronia was wearing brown leggings and a green tunic. "You seem to be in a good mood."

"It's an interesting day."

Sophronia entered without being invited and took a seat on Theo's bed. "Want to make it more interesting?"

Theo closed the door, taking in the girl's mischievous smile. "Do you have something fun planned?"

"I heard about a place where fairies meet up once a month. It's supposed to be life-changing."

"Who'd you hear about it from?"

She twisted a lock of hair around her finger. "I got an invitation."

"Yeah?" Theo crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows. "What's his name?"

Sophronia bit her lip. "Castor."

"Do I know Castor?"

"He's not from around here," she explained. "I met him in town a few weeks ago and we met a couple times since then. This thing happens on the full moon each month. The location is super secret, but he says he can get us in if we're interested."

"Us? Why not just you?" Theo couldn't help thinking the whole thing sounded suspicious, but she wasn't ready to say that just yet.

"I told him I'd feel more comfortable if I brought a friend."

Theo pointed at herself. "And you picked me?"

"It seemed like something you'd enjoy."

"How so?"

Fairy Whim (Immortal Souls: Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now