Diplomatic Relations

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Amatus didn't know the full depth of Arabella's relationship with Carwen, but he sensed she was a big part of the reason Arabella had agreed to marry him. That being the case, he was prepared to do anything he could to help them.

As his friends had started with a tour of the palace for Raya, he decided to show Carwen around the grounds, as well. He brought them to where knights were going through training drills and caught sight of Marcellus leading a group. Despite his stern expression, Amatus sensed his trainer was happier than he'd been in ages. His methods weren't as harsh as they had been for the prince, but he certainly wasn't going easy on them.

Next, he brought them to a terrace behind the palace. It was large and had several chairs, many of which were currently occupied. He noticed people whispering as they looked at their group, but chose to ignore them.

Finally, he led them to the garden, taking a deep breath as he stepped through the arch. As usual, it was empty. While people sometimes liked to come see the flowers, Amatus found few loved it like he did. It was a place to be still and quiet, not great for socializing.

"It's beautiful," Arabella said. "I can see why you like to spend so much time here."

"It was my father's favorite place," he told her.

He led them through the garden, showing them the different plants. Once they'd seen it all, he led them back to the palace as Carwen said she wanted to check on Raya. Inside, one of the maids approached them and offered to show Carwen to her room. They were informed that Raya had already been shown to her room, so Carwen decided to go there first. The maid led them to the guest rooms and indicated which door was Raya's, then handed Carwen a key to her own room, which was next to it.

"That will be all, thank you," Carwen said and the maid curtseyed before leaving. Carwen knocked on the door and called, "Raya?"

There was no response for a minute. Carwen raised her hand to knock again but then the door opened just enough for Raya to poke her head out. "Is everything okay?"

Raya's hair was messier than they'd seen it earlier. Amatus noticed her dress was rumpled, as well. As he realized what happened, he didn't know whether to be annoyed or amused.

"I thought you were getting a tour," Carwen said.

"I was." Raya's voice was breathless. "I had a tour and came back here to...rest. I'm very tired, so if you don't mind..."

She tried to close the door, but Carwen pushed it open instead. Inside, Corwin and Damica stood by the bed, their clothes disheveled as if they'd dressed in a hurry. Amatus raised his eyebrows at his friends, but neither of them bothered trying to look ashamed.

Carwen pinched the bridge of her nose. "Raya..."

"What?" Raya ushered the trio inside and closed the door behind them. "We're here to improve relations with the elves, right?"

"I'd say relations were improved," Corwin offered and Raya giggled.

"Why?" Carwen asked. "Just...why?"

"Well, we were talking and I mentioned that I'd never been with an elf before," Raya said. "They'd never been with an orc before and how could I deny them such an experience?"

Carwen looked at her. "How did that topic come up at all?"

Raya shrugged. "You know, sometimes you're talking and things come up."

Damica snorted at that.

Carwen turned to Amatus. "These are your friends, correct?"

He raised his hands. "Yes, but I'm not involved with this. I don't control them any more than you control Raya."

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