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Years of suppressed memories had flooded the prince's mind when he saw Maddoc. Having those hands on him once more made his skin crawl and it had taken all his willpower not to run away. Somehow, talking about it had allowed him to calm down, but he still didn't want to leave his room for fear he might run into Maddoc again. There was no doubt the elf would be looking for him soon.

He'd changed into a clean shirt and was sitting on the bed with Arabella when a knock at the door made him jump. He stared at it apprehensively, debating whether he could get away with ignoring it.

"I'll take care of it," Arabella offered, climbing out of bed and opening the door a crack to see who was there. After a moment, she pulled the door open further to reveal the king.

Amatus hurried to get out of bed and stand before him.

"I have a moment if you still wish to speak," Cadeyrn said.

Amatus had nearly forgotten about that. "Of course. Come in."

Cadeyrn stepped into the room and his gaze shifted to the floor. Amatus looked over and mentally swore as he realized his discarded shirt was still there. He wasn't sure if offering an explanation would help. Before he could decide, Cadeyrn looked at him once more. "You wished to discuss the letter. I don't have much time."

"Right." Amatus cleared his throat and explained what Theo had told him. Cadeyrn's face was as impassive as usual and Amatus had to resist the urge to fidget under his gaze.

"So your friend wishes for your help because you have experience going undercover," Cadeyrn summarized.

"Yes." Amatus looked at the floor, wondering whether he'd get in trouble for asking to leave.

"Very well," Cadeyrn said after a moment's thought. "The wedding preparations still need time and your presence isn't required much until they're done. If you wish to help your friend, you may."

Amatus stared at him, scarcely believing it was that easy. "Thank you."

"Also, I wanted to talk to you about Lord Maddoc."

Amatus found his gaze drifting to the cane. "Lord Maddoc?"

"I'd prefer you stay away from him as much as possible," Cadeyrn explained. "I know you two used to have a sort of friendship, but I think it would be better to end that. We don't want him being inconvenienced by it. If he wishes to spend time together, find an excuse to avoid it. Ideally, I'd prefer you not speak to him at all while he's here."

Amatus agreed that would be ideal and it was a relief to be given such an order. "I will do my best."

"Good." Cadeyrn turned to Arabella. "I hope you have a pleasant evening."

"You, as well," she said, watching the king leave the room. As soon as he was gone, she closed the door and turned to Amatus. "That went well, didn't it?"

He sat on the bed before his legs could give out on him. "Surprisingly, yes."

She walked closer, looking him over. "Are you okay?"

How was he supposed to answer that? "I will be. It's good that I get to help Theo."

"And you don't have to interact with Maddoc."

He knew it was unlikely the chancellor would be so easily deterred, but it might help some. At least, he wouldn't get in trouble for avoiding him.

Arabella took a seat on the bed beside him. "May I ask you something?"


"Why did you want to come back here?"

He looked at her and found she met his gaze, expectantly. "What do you mean? This is my home."

Fairy Whim (Immortal Souls: Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now