Sterling Household- Candle🕯️

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Chapter 3- Candle

The bell above the door jingled as Sterling entered the cozy herb and spice shop. The air was rich with aromatic scents - sweet cinnamon, pungent curry, earthy patchouli. Sterling breathed deeply, the blend of fragrances instantly relaxing him.

He meandered through the narrow aisles, admiring the jars of dried herbs and brightly colored spices. Near the back, an elderly man with wild gray hair looked up from behind the counter.

"I'm Claude, proprietor of this fine establishment," the old man said, shuffling forward. "Now, what can I interest you in today, young man?"

Sterling rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he peered into the glass jars lining the shelves. "I'm not sure, to be honest. I'm just browsing for the moment."

"Ah, a browser! Well, take your time, take your time." Claude ambled back behind the counter.

"Thanks," Sterling replied, picking up a jar of cloves and inhaling their spicy scent.

"You know what's quite popular this time of year? My honeysuckle fairy candle. It's said to attract actual fairies." The shopkeeper lowered his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Legend says if you catch a fairy in the candle's glow and make a wish, it'll come true!"

Sterling chuckled. He didn't really believe in superstitions, but the idea of a candle attracting mythical creatures reminded him fondly of the little miniature family living within his walls. He had done his best to ignore the small creatures, not wanting to scare them off.

"I'll take one," he said, charmed by the whimsical notion. The shopkeeper beamed, clearly delighted by Sterling's willingness to indulge in a bit of magic and fantasy.


Sterling arrived home, candle in hand. He set it on the coffee table and admired the intricate floral etchings along the glass holder. On a whim, he decided to light it. Striking a match, Sterling held it to the wick, and a warm glow filled the room. The honeyed scent of honeysuckle bloomed in the air.

He settled into his favorite chair with his book. The sweet perfume seemed to wrap around him like a soft blanket, making his limbs feel pleasantly heavy. His eyes began to droop as the soothing fragrance relaxed every muscle.

Pippin's nose twitched, catching a whiff of something sweet and unfamiliar. He peeked out from a tiny hole in the wall, his bright eyes searching for the source. There, on the human's table, flickered a small dancing flame.

Drawn to it like a moth, Pippin scurried out. He scampered across the floor, ducking behind chairs and table legs to avoid being seen. As he got closer, the sugary scent grew stronger. It tickled his nose and made his head feel light.

Finally reaching the table, Pippin gazed up in wonder at the burning candle. His eyes grew wide at the hypnotic dance of the flame. The sweet perfume filled his senses, fogging his thoughts. The edges of his vision blurred the candle flame all he could see.

Pippin scampered over to the candle, climbing right up onto the table. Pippin sat down next to the flickering light, eyes growing distant as he breathed in the heady scent.

A dazed smile spread across the little borrower's face. He swayed gently where he sat, enraptured by the candle's aroma. All caution left the child as he lost himself in the candle's intoxicating grip.

Sterling turned the page, fully immersed in the story unfolding in his hands. A small sound made him glance up, and he did a double take—was that a tiny figure sitting next to the candle? He leaned forward, squinting, and saw with alarm that it was indeed one of the little people. As he observed the miniature child, he noted that this one was older than the two he saw in his backyard.

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