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You closed the book, nestled on a soft leather chair in the far corner of the Celestial library, your heart racing to find out what happened next.

"Ah, so I see you have reached the end," Elza said, returning to check in on you as you eagerly handed her the book with a desire to read the next chapter.

Elza smiled. "I am afraid that is all the time you have with us today, dear reader. Please send the academy my best regards. I hope to see you within our historic halls once again."

You are unsatisfied with her answer, and Elza cradles the book you just finished tightly against her chest.

"This is not the end, you know."

You give a frustrated sigh.

Elza takes a seat next to you on the chair.

"I hope you learned something, dear reader. Not everything is always as it seems; sometimes, the heroes we think will claim the reward do not always prevail. Their journey is full of challenges, much like the trials we all face in our daily lives. These stories help us understand our world today, give us a glimpse into what came before, and help us use the knowledge to create a better future."

Elza stood up and tapped her chin.

"Tell you what. Tell the professor you have decided to take me up on an offer to become my new assistant in training. That way, you can learn about all the adventures hidden within the pages of the library, and, most importantly, you will be able to finish Heran's story as he journeys to find the light of the world. Sound fair?"

You nodded.

"Alright then. With that settled, I am afraid I must ask you to leave. The library will be closing soon, and I have to reorganize a few books before I lock up for the evening. It was a pleasure to meet you, dear reader. You have been a joy to entertain."

Elza led you past the great tree in the center of the library and out through the main twin doors into the garden where you had first met hours earlier. You waved goodbye, but suddenly stopped after one step before the young woman called your name.

"One last question, dear reader. I am curious. What would you like to see happen in the second installment of this adventure? The story has already been written, but I would love to hear your theories and speculations. Please take a moment to share your thoughts!"

You confided in Elza, spewing endless twists and turns you suspected the story would take. She silently watched you with intrigue, keeping her face stern.

"I see. What a wonderful prediction!" Elza exclaimed.

She handed you the book.

"Keep it. Read it again, over and over, until you can delve into the papers of its anticipated sequel. Perhaps you will even discover details you missed the first time."

Elza looked at the horizon. The sun dipped below the ocean's surface, saying it's farewell to another day.

"Thank you for reading with me today, dear reader. You showed great courage in accepting such a daunting assignment. I eagerly anticipate our next encounter. Until then, be blessed."

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