6. Dress Fever

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Once we're off campus and back on the deserted street Zach's house is on, I stop and turn to him.

"I know I've fudged up pretty much everything to this point, but I want to fix it. I can still make the deadline to apply for the cc, right?"

He nods.

"And you've done it before, so you could help me, right?"

He nods again.

"So that's the plan. I'll go there, find a part-time job, and see if your mom will put up with me until then. Is that okay?"

"It's better than nothing that's for sure, and don't worry, my mom isn't going to kick you out. She likes company. I know you said you were applying as undeclared, but do you have any idea of what you might want to be?"

I shake my head no and begin walking towards his home again. "Not really. What were you studying?"

"Well, I was planning on going into computer software engineering. Something that would get me a job for one of those big tech companies in Silicon Valley at a place they call a 'campus' instead of a regular office building."

"You'd move that far?"

"If I got a job like that it might've been enough to convince my mom to come with me, but it's not like that's an issue anymore."

Maybe it never was. He decided to go to the community college here in town instead of one of the other top-tier schools he no doubt got accepted to.

"I guess since I don't really have a clue as to what to do, maybe I could try a few computer classes. Who knows, it might fit, and I'm decent enough with math."

"If that's what you want. I have a few recommendations on professors you may want to take."

He makes more recommendations as we come to the front door. The screen is closed, but the main door is open, letting the scent of something fried and spicy come out to the porch.

I open the door and close it behind me.

"That you, Alora?"

"Yes, ma'am!" I take off my shoes and set them next to hers next to the door. I go to the kitchen where she's preparing dinner. "Anything I can help with?"

She smiles. "Mind getting a cutting board and chopping some onions?"

I hurry to do what she's asked.

"How was school?"

"Tell her it was uneventful, mind-numbing, and devoid of anything enlightening," Zach says beside me.

I repeat his words.

She smiles. "Don't let Zach here tell you what to feel. You can't live a day on the Earth not learning anything."

He shrugs and heads to the living room.

"Need me to put your show on for you?" I ask him.

"Nah, I'm good."

As we work to finish dinner, I tell Elisa of my plans, and ask if she would mind if I stay while I attend college.

"I'll get a job so I can pay you rent, and I promise to pull my weight around here."

She shakes her head as she sets the table.

"No, no, if you have to work, try and get a job on campus so you don't get pulled from your studies. But don't worry about the bills here, I manage just fine."

"Don't push it, you'll just get a lecture," Zach says from the couch. I look over to him and sigh. Sounds like it's an argument he's lost before.

"Thank you, please let me know if I can do anything else."

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