9. End of an Era

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When I cross the stage to take my diploma, I can hear one voice more clearly than all the others combined. I look up, wave, and blow a kiss to the only person in the stands that matters.

He gives me a kiss on the forehead once the ceremony is over.

"It's a miracle you made it," he says.

I elbow him gently. "Jerk, I told you I would."

"How about we go home and tackle the cake we made?" Elisa says.

"Sounds like a plan." While all of the others here will probably be heading to fancy restaurants all over town, I know I'll be eating the best at home. We join the crowd leaving the stadium when a voice calls my name.

I turn back only when Elisa does.

"Alora, honey! Congratulations!" My aunt says as she makes a beeline towards us. Elisa pulls me out of the flow of people so they can pass us.

"Hi, Auntie."

It's not just her. My cousin is holding onto her hand and Scott is trailing behind them. He brushes past her with a bouquet of lilies in his arms.

"These are for you," he says.

Zach keeps my hand in his, so I don't reach for them. Elisa steps forward.

"Hi, I'm Elisa, Alora's been staying with me these last few weeks."

"Staying with you? Are you..." my aunt begins.

"Yes, Zach's mom."

"Oh. Well, that's kind of you. We wanted to take Alora to dinner, you're welcome to join us."

I look over to Elisa and I hope she can read my mind and know I don't want to go out with them.

"Well, Alora baked a cake for us, how about you join us at my house instead? We made plenty of food."

Scott doesn't look happy, but my aunt agrees. I'm not happy either, and Zach is seething beside me.

"That bastard better not get close to you," he says as we walk towards the car.

"It's just one dinner," I tell him. "Hopefully it'll be a quick one."

We pack into the small dining room, my cousin on my aunt's lap and Scott in Zach's chair. I should have sat there instead, but if I had, there would've been a hundred percent chance that I got stuck sitting next to him. I can't believe my aunt wouldn't take the seat next to me, but it's stupid of me to expect anything else.

I busy myself in the kitchen to avoid being stuck beside him too long. I slice more limes than we'll reasonably need, heat the tortillas, and place them in a warmer. Elisa passes me with the Dutch oven.

Not much more I can do now. I come out of the kitchen with the sides and set them on the table.

"I've never had this before, what is it?" my aunt asks.

"It's chili verde, a specialty in my family," Elisa says.

It's also one of my and Zach's favorites.

We all serve ourselves and I dig in. The quicker we eat, the quicker they can leave.

"That's hot," Scott complains.

Zach groans beside me. "God I hate that guy."

"They don't call it chili verde for no reason," I say.

Zach snickers.

"How can you enjoy something that spicy?" He spits back at me. Everyone else, including his own kid, is enjoying it fine, he's just being a jerk.

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