The truth...

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Author's pov

    Aisha wiped her tears and removed his hands from his ears , she held them tightly and looked him in the eyes that were looking at her with so much pain that it almost made her chock.

    " I did go there but when I saw all those womens and mens getting intimate, screams coming from the closed doors I felt disgusted... I couldn't bring myself to take another step further. I choosed the second way that was to die rather then seeing you die..." Aryan shook his head letting the unshead tears roll down his cheeks.

    " I decided to leave when a men held my hand he..he tried to for..ce him..self on me , I struggled alot and before he could succeed something happened and he suddenly fell to the floor. I looked up to find my mama... He was at the... brot..hel house."

    " He pulled me out of there and slapped me hard that day..."

    " I told him everything and he offered to help me but he needed something of mine that he can keep with himself until I pay him back all the money.... I couldn't think of anything and that's when he demanded for this house.... Maybe he still had some mercy left in him and allowed us to stay here but with a threat that if I failed to pay the monthly amount of money we decided on he will throw us out...."

     Aryan looked at her with his red teary eyes and pulled her in a bone crushing hug...

    " I am sorry Aisha... I am so sorry that you had to go through all that ,I am so sorry for not being there for you , I am so sorry for being the worst husband possible..."

    " No Aryan... You are the best husband , you are the most precious person in my life..."

     Aisha consoled Aryan for a long time and they spend their time in each other's arms assuring the other one their support and love.

     Aryan had promised himself just not to be the best husband to his biwi but to bring the world at her feet if she wants it or not... She has done a lot and went through alot but not anymore , now she will only receive happiness.

    The next day Aryan walked Aisha to her college and kissed her forehead before leaving...

    He went straight to Karan's penthouse and asked him to accompany him. They both went to the jeweller shop which was most probably the one where Aisha sold her mother's mangalsutra..

    Karan didn't knew anything but he was more then happy to accompany Aryan.

    " I want CCTV photoage of **** day , can you get it for me...!?" Aryan asked Karan and the latter in minutes arranged the photoage.

     Both sat down and watched the photoage and saw Aisha crying and looking like a complete mess straight ran inside and sold the precious jewel piece...

    Aryan's heart clenched at the site of her state...

    Karan looked at Aryan with moist eyes , he was so upset at Aisha's condition...

    After that Aryan told him everything that happened and Karan couldn't breathe , he went out of the shop and wiped his face with his trembling hands.... How could he fail her so badly.

     Aryan kept his hand on Karan's  shoulder who hugged him tightly...

    " I am sorry Aryan... I...I "

    " Sshh... It's ok. " He pulled away and consoled his bestfriend.

    " So you want Neelam aunty's mangalsutra back ." Karan asked and Aryan nodded.

    They went inside and Karan enquired ,the old jeweller perfectly remembered the face of that crying girl who sold him that piece...

    " I still have it with me..."

    Karan bought the piece back and handed it over to Aryan with a smile.

    " I will pay you back..."

   " And I will send you to coma if you tried to speak this nonsense infront of me..." Karan threatened and Aryan gave him a faint smile.

    " Also papa said we can use his old factory building and land for ourselves..."

    " Really...!?"

    " Yeah , so let's go..."

     They both went to the old factory building of Verma's and decided on the things they might need further... If this  project succeed or if it doesn't.

     After making few planning they both sat in the car chatting...

    " Did you tell Aishu about all this..!?"
    " Not yet , I am waiting to see the outcome of the project and the day we will set up our office... I will tell her the day when I had made something." Aryan said and Karan patted his back.

    " I am sure the project will be a great success and you will achieve everything you dreamed off and worked hard for Aryan."

   " Thanks for being with me Karan.."

   " You really want to get punched , don't you..!?" They laughed .

    " Let's go to the cafe and meet Aishu..." Karan suggested and Aryan nodded , he too wanted to see his wifey.

     After a driver of 20 minutes they reached the cafe where Aisha works and went inside.

     Aisha came out of the pantry with the orders and smiled brightly at them.

    She served the order to her customers and went to their table.

    " What would you like to have SIR..!?" She asked professional but with a mischievous smile.

    " Miss I would like an ice americano for myself and this Mister will have his wife..." Karan said mischievously and Aisha's eyes widen understanding the double meaning of his second half of the sentence.

     " Bhai..!"

     " Oh my god look at my naive sister's  red face , well not naive when you get what I meant..." Karan teased again and Aisha looked at Aryan with a pout who was smiling at his cute wife.

     " Stop teasing my wife or I will break your teeths..." Karan ignored his threat and dialed a number still laughing.

    That's when the owner came and asked Aisha if everything was ok... She is a caring lady towards her staff and thought the guys were troubling her.

    " it's not like that , that's my husband Aryan and that's my elder brother Karan..."

    " Oh hello guys..."

    " Hello..."

    " Aisha you sit with them , someone else will do your work..."

    " Thank you.."

    The lady went away after giving her a smile and Aisha settled beside Aryan who wrapped his arm around her and  kissed the side of her head lovingly...

    " Wohhh..." They heard a hooting noise which was coming from Karan's phone.

    So it was none other then Kabir on  video call with Karan who was giving him the live telecast of the love birds...

     After talking and joking around for a while Kabir hung up and Karan dropped Aisha and Aryan to their home.
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