Concealer: Chapter 29.

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Hi guys:D a couple of you complained on the last chapter about me taking forever to update and I truly am sorry. It's just with treatment and stuff I'd been a little tied up. It's no excuse though, I really need to get back into the swing of things and I thought, what better way to get back into my routine whilst I'm on holiday and have a lot of free time on my hands?:D

Anyway, ENJOY!xo


Eleanor's POV

I stood there for a few minutes after he left, stiff with anger and my fists clenched.

Almost savagely, I grabbed my handbag and exited the cafeteria.

I tiptoed the corridor, not wanting to disturb the silence around me. I could see a dark silhouette in the distance. I squinted in the dark. Definitely a male.

I kept walking. As I got nearer, I realised who it was.


"I was wondering when you'd leave that canteen." he spoke coolly.

"why does that concern you?"

"hmmm. I think it concerns me because you are the sister of a certain someone."

I should have known. My sister. Lilly Calder. The detective.

"your sister was the only one who managed to capture me. She was the only one who managed to prove I was guilty. And now she must pay."

I felt a shiver go down my spine. There was something about his tone. It was cold and cruel. I still didnt give up on zoella's case though.

"fine, why must Zoella be a part of this?" My voice felt weird, like I had wool in my throat.

"I think Zoella became suspicious towards the end. I can't risk being caught again. She needs to be disposed off."

I felt anger begin to boil up inside of me.

"you'll never get away with this! Never! I'll tell EVERYONE what you did!"

"oh no you won't."

I felt someone come up behind me and something cold and hard was being pressed to my forehead.

A gun.

I felt my face drain of colour.

"you c-can't shoot me. There's n-nurses on duty a-and they-they will hear" I managed to stutter out.

"well there's always another approach we could use." Alex replied, examining his fingernails as if this was the most normal thing in the world.

I rough hands wrap around my neck. The person's skin smelt metallic as if they'd been holding a gun not too long ago, which I reminded myself, they probably had.

Alex smirked as the person's hands tightened around my neck. I felt tears burn my eyes.

It wasnt easy to blink them back and they came leaking out onto my cheeks.

"please don't" I begged. "please."

"bye bye eleanor calder" Alex smirked.

I felt the hands tighten around me even more. I struggled but that made it worse. Spots appeared on the edge of my vision, turning the hospital corridor green, blue and pink. My lungs screamed for air.

And then everything went black.

Harry's POV

I felt a hand on my shoulder shaking me. A nurse was looking down at me.

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