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3rd person POV

Grabbing the first hoodie you saw you threw it on as fast as you could, in the process, grabbing your wand. Pulling the hood over your head, you walk toward the window in your room. Turning around you look at your room one last time. You made many memories in the room, it was your comfort zone where you were able to be yourself for who you are. Taking a deep breath, you turn back around, open your window and jump. It was a big plunge into the darkness of the night. You'd be lying if you said you were scared. No, you were terrified, that was the sole reason you had jumped.

 Not long after you harshly land on the ground with a 'thud', most likely breaking a bone or two. It didn't matter, you needed to get out of here, and fast. The place that you once used to call home. NO! You can't think of that not now, After what they did, this was no longer any home of yours. Chanting a quick healing spell, you hurry to your feet and run. Run as far as your legs take you. Until they give out, even then you won't stop

As you run through the now pitch back city, your mind begins to wander again. Oh how you hate your mind for not being able to forget, for not being able to stop thinking about them. Your parents, how could they have been so............so....cruel. No! Don't think of them, focus on running, you need to get out of here. 

"Y/N GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANCE" You heard voices call out to you, you just barely picked up on what they had said given how far you were. 'Did they already realise that I was gone?' you had expected them to know that you were gone, but so soon?  You began pushing yourself to go even faster, you can't let them get remotely close. Not now. "YOU  CAN'T RUN FOREVER. WE WILL FIND YOU."


























Your eyes shoot open as you scramble up on your bed. You're panting heavily and had broken out into cold sweat 'Gods, that felt too real.' you thought. Looking out the window, the sky was a mixture of the various shades of blues, reds, oranges and yellows. The sun was still rising and it was a breathtaking sight. But that also means that you had woken up really early, and you were still very shaken up by the nightmare.

After a couple of minutes in silence and you trying to calm yourself down, you decide to get ready for the day and head to the library until it's time to head to class. Getting out of bed you instantly feel the loss of warmth that your blanket had provided, sighing you begin walking towards the washrooms and get ready for your second day at being a student at Easton. 

Not long after you're done, walking out you look over to your roommate who was still soundlessly asleep. 'It's still pretty early then.' You thought, your roommate was very punctual, in fact he often woke up before you.



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No secrets yet


ALRIGHT I FINALLY PUBLISHED. Im sorry that it's short, the next chapters will be longer I promise. I will be publishing a JJK book later on aswell :3 anyway hope you have a great rest of your day/night lovesss


Forbidden II Yandere!Mashle x Male!Reader II OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now