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3rd Person POV

Turning around you peel your eyes off your roommate, opening the door as quietly as possible you walk out. Closing the door you begin mindlessly, but now you face the new challenge of trying to find the library. Where was the library again? You can't remember, and considering how big the school is, it really doesn't help.

So you just kept walking, hoping to try and find the library but you highly doubt that will happen anytime soon. The sky was turning into the beautiful light blue it is, indicating that you had been walking for quite some time and that if you want to read any books, you need to find the library and fast. Maybe if someone, like a second year, you might still have time to get some reading in. 

Today it seemed like lady luck was on your side because you, in fact, did manage to find somebody. They had their back turned on you so you couldn't see any of their features, but man did they have a strong scent. Shrugging your shoulders you picked up your pace a bit to catch up with the person in front.

As you got closer, so did their scent, it was overpowering, but you ran from home, you could deal with a strong scent for a bit. You were distance from them, not too close nor too far and than finally spoke. "Umm...excuse me.." you softly said in a small voice, judging by their scent they were an Alpha. You wouldn't want to get on their bad side, they really do have an overpowering scent. 

They stop and turn around to meet your eyes, they were sharp, judging. You were able to clearly see his facial features now, and god it was a sight for sore eyes.


"I wanted to go to the library...but got lost. Could you tell me where it is..?

"The library? In the morning?"


"Come on, I'll show you where it is."

He had a smooth tired voice, it was calm and might you say, hot as hell.



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No Secrets 


Hello lovesssss, this is a short chapter I know. I just wanted to get something out. Anyway the reason there are no secrets is because I want to try to keep everything a mystery for now. Have a great rest of your day/night and ill update as soon as possible!


Forbidden II Yandere!Mashle x Male!Reader II OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now