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3rd person POV

The person began walking towards the direction to the school library and you followed behind, it was a quiet walk, none of you talked and if you were being completely honest, you preferred that. You weren't someone who would be able to hold a conversation and definitely not with someone who has such a strong scent.

  After a couple of minutes he stopped in front of two large doors and you made the guess that you made it to the library. "A-are we here?" You said timidly and stiffened even more than you already were when they turned around to meet your gaze.

"Yes, yes we are."

"Thank you.."

The other just hummed in response and  began to walk away, not once giving it a second thought, but that was just better for you. No more social interaction! Opening a door you walked in, eyes lighting up at the sight of hundreds upon hundreds of books.

??? POV

After showing the boy where the library was I walked away, he seemed stiff the whole time. He was also quite silent and timid. He had a strong scent, it wasn't a bad one at all. Gods, he smelled damn good, a very sweet scent, like cherry blossoms.

My best guess would be that he's an omega, no doubt about it. Shrugging those thoughts away I begin thinking about what tasks I have to do today.














Saying the library has good books is a big understatement. By this time I've read two books and both of them were nothing less than amazing. Putting the book that I currently had in my hand I looked at the clock "7:59". I just stare at it before abruptly getting up and running, running as fast as I can. 'I'm late. I'm late. I'm late. I'm late. I'm late. I'm late. I'm late. I'm late. I'm late. I'm late. I'm late. I'm late. I'm late. I'm late. I'm late. I'm late. I'm late. I'M LATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE' I screamed in my mind as I ran.

Once I saw the classroom door in sight I began to slow down a bit, I stood outside the door for a bit. I mean, I'm late already, might as well mentally prepare myself for whatever happens. Soon I stop panting and when I do, I decide I should enter the class.

I slowly open the door and as I do all the eyes get set on me.

I slowly open the door and as I do all the eyes get set on me

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ITS SHORT BUT WHATEVER. Im going to update "little serpent" tomorrow because I just don't feel like doing more writing today. Have a great rest of your day/night lovess.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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Forbidden II Yandere!Mashle x Male!Reader II OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now