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My name is Perseus Jackson Argo, and I don't know about you, but I had a great day. When I got to school my friend Grover was waiting for me, so we walked to class together, talking about what was in a box he found in his uncle's attic. A bunch of really old pictures of weird things apparently. We put our backpacks into our cubbies then headed for our table where Rachel and Frank were waiting for us. Annabeth and Clarisse were there too, but I don't like them. They were talking about motorcycles, but I don't care. And neither should you! Annabeth is a snobby brat who likes to make me feel stupid, always showing off how much better she is, and Clarisse, her best friend, is just so hard to agree with! It's like she always wants to fight! Reyna, my big sister, says I should be nice to everyone, but I don't want to be nice to them.

The bell rang and Mr. Brunner had us all quiet down for learning time. Me and my friends didn't notice the first time he said it, but of course Annabeth did. She made sure to let us know by shushing us very loudly, and the whole class looked at us. Not cool. Mr. Brunner announced that our table groups would now become our book groups, which is even more not cool. The doctor says I'm "dyslexic", which means it's hard for me to read and writing is even harder. I don't try to mess up, the letters just get scrambled up. Reading and writing something being important to my grade means my grade might take a few hits. Another one of my classmates, Nancy Bobofit, realizes this and raises her hand. "Mr. Brunner, I think Percy needs something a little easier, because he's special." She doesn't say "special" like Reyna does, or Piper or Nico or Leo or Hazel. She says it like it's a bad thing. "Now Nancy, we shouldn't underestimate Percy, should we?" Mr. Brunner says in my defense. It doesn't make me feel better, but Rachel elbows me and whispers "One of these days, we're gonna show Nancy 'special'". Grover and Frank nod in agreement, while Clarisse points at us, then points at her mouth, making a gagging motion. Annabeth giggled, and sent me a snarky look. UGH! I hate her.

The rest of the morning was boring, so I won't explain that. I got math homework, I guess. But then at lunchtime, Annabeth and Clarisse were on a roll. I don't know what it was, but they took turns making dumb faces, pointing at me, and laughing. We sit far apart, so I don't know what she said, but it bothers me. Grover tips his head and asks me "Is she so much of a problem we can't have lunch together?" "It's like you have a crush on her or something." Rachel adds. I feel my face flush, from my cheeks to my ears. "I DO NOT HAVE A CRUSH ON ANNABETH!" I shout, loud enough for the whole lunchroom to hear. After I realize what I said, I squeeze my eyes shut. The scene plays in my head. Me, blushing all over my face, shouting that I don't like Annabeth. "I'm doomed, aren't I?" "Yeah, pretty much." Frank adds. "Did I say that out loud?" I ask. "No- wait- don't answer that." I open my eyes and see my friends looking at me, obviously concerned. "I mean, she wishes that I have a crush on her" I say, not to anyone in particular, but I make sure the whole lunchroom can hear. Rachel leans over and whispers in my ear "Don't look now, but Annabeth looks like a tomato." I whip my head around faster than you can say "don't look now". "Wow, she really does look like a tomato." I say. Huh. I guess even Annabeth gets embarrassed when her name is yelled across the lunchroom."Transformation powers" Grover adds.

The rest of the day goes by with little to no Annabeth related problems. Seriously, I don't know why Piper says she 'ships it'. There's a few announcements, something called 'Parent's day' is coming up. I shouldn't have to worry about it, I don't have parents to come. When the bell rings I'm glad to be out of school, but when I leave my class after the bell rings, I don't see Leo. He's supposed to pick me up! It goes me, then we get Hazel! She must be scared! Where is he?

I've been forgetting to put in title images. Just imagine there's a goose eating intestines.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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