I want to protect you

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Disclaimer: This is where I tell you I don't own the Teen Wolf characters nor the Supernatural characters but this is also where I tell you that I own Addison.

By the way the picture up there is Addison Winchester.

I want to protect you •Rewritten°

I got up from my hotel room in Los Angeles, CA. My destination is Beacon Hills, CA. I really miss Dean and Sam plus Dad but I can't let them know that I'm alive not anytime soon anyways. I didn't even realize I was crying until a teardrop landed on my jeans. I wiped the tear away and left the room with my stuff.

When I got into the lobby I heard Heather Riley talking. She's the lobbyist. "Leaving so soon Leigh Ann" she said. I smirked because that's not my real name. "Yeah I gotta go" I said standing in front of her. "Please keep contact you are the far most best person I've talked to in this hotel" she whined. "I'll try but no promises" I said. "That's good to know bye Anna" she said.

I smirked again this time mentally can't have anyone think I'm crazy just yet. "Bye Heather" I said walking out the door. I hopped into my camaro it's my baby can't afford to lose her. I drove a long way until I made it into Beacon Hills. I saw the sign Now Entering: Beacon Hills. When I got somewhere near the woods my baby started to act up. "Not now come on" I said. I sighed as I got out the car to check the hood.

It was dark out so I grabbed a flashlight from the trunk. I walked back up to the hood to fix my baby. Once I fixed it I heard growling. I groaned. Great werewolves please note the sarcasm. I looked out into the woods to see if there are any out there. Then I saw the red eyes. "Why come for me when there's plenty others?" I asked.

"You have potential that I see and I want you in my pack" his voice was a tad gruff. "You'll just have to bite me" I said hinting 'bite'. I wanted to play my cards right. I'm not a power freak but I'll be stronger and faster than any other hunter. He lunged at me and bit me. I bit back the pain. I will absolutely not show my pain or weakness. That is something that is a big no for the Winchester's and Bobby. Say how is Bobby? "Let me help" he said holding out his hand. "I got it" I said holding on to my baby. Then stood up.

"See I perfectly got it" I said before letting go and almost face-planting into the ground but this alpha caught me. "Seems like you don't have it and are you a hunter?" he asked. My eyes widened. "Pffff no. What makes you think that?" I ask. "One your lying two I don't have to explain myself to you" he said before shoving me to the ground. I sighed as he stood over me. He punched me in the stomach. I shook my head biting back the pain and tears. Damn you bite.

He punched me again and again punch after punch. As I was still biting back the pain I suddenly had this huge urge to stop feeling pain and fight back. So that's what I did. I grabbed something sharp from my jacket pocket. Something werewolves can't touch. Something werewolves can't stand. Wolfbane. I threw at him while he was caught off guard he coughed as it landed in his stomach.

"Your an Argent aren't you?" he asked. I thought about it and mentally smirked. "I am Lindsay Argent" I said. "You go by code you can't get bitten" he said. "Well I'm very rebellious" I said. "Why?" he asked. "Hate following rules now it's best I go" I said. "Derek Hale" he said. I guess he was mentioning his name? "Bye Deerreekk" I said extending his name.

"Why are you extending my name?" he asked. "Making sure it's your name" I said. "Well it is" he said giving a small hint of attitude. "Well Mr.-" was all I said before he cut me off. "Don't say Sourwolf" he said angrily. "I wasn't I was going to say Mr. Sassywolf but I see why anyone would call you Sourwolf" I said. His current emotion was annoyance and it was caused by me.

"Well goodnight Derek Hale" I said stepping into my car. I heard tapping right next me which was my window. I looked out my window and saw Derek. "What?" I asked. "You might need this" he said handing me something. It was my dagger. I smiled up at him. "Thanks Derek Haley Hale" I said. "That's not my middle name" he said.

I waved before driving off. I found the nearest hotel and got a room. I put my stuff down and at least tried to call dad. It went straight to voicemail. This is John Winchester and I'm not able to help you at the moment but you can call my son Dean he can help you was the rest of the voicemail before giving out his phone number. I grabbed a pen and paper so I could copy the number.

"What are you doing?" a deep voice asked. That's Derek I remember his voice. "What I'm just writing down some stuff you know" I said. "How long have you been there and did you follow me?" I asked. "Long enough and yes I have" he replied. "Ok why did you follow me?" I asked him. "Because you've lied to me the only thing that wasn't a lie was you being a hunter" he said.

"Ok and?" I ask. "And why can't you tell me the truth?" he asked. "Why should I? I just met you" I said. He steps closer. "Let's not forget who's your alpha" he said stepping even closer. "Your not my alpha" I said stepping back. "Oh is that so because I can recall I bit you" he said stepping so close that my back was to the wall.

"You may have bitten me but does that mean I really want to be part of your pack" I said. "You don't know your lying to yourself" he said placing both of his hands on to the wall trapping me in. "Am I lying to myself?" I asked. "Yes you want to be in my pack so you can be closer to me" he said. "You think I like you well your not that bad but you probably just want to use me so I can tell you every little aspect of my life and that's not happening" I said.

"Why would you think I would use you?" he said. "I don't know you just want to know the real me and I can't tell you" I said. "Why not because you think I might not like you or you think I would judge your life?" he asked. "Yes and I wouldn't say anything because I want to protect you" I said. "You want to protect me?" he asked. "Yes" I said. "I don't think you could beat me in fighting" he said.

"You think I'm weak? Is it because I'm girl? Sir you are about to have your ass handed to you." I say. "To answer your questions one maybe two no I'm not sexist and three we'll see" he said. "We'll see when you get your ass handed to you" I said. "It won't" he said. "Don't get too cocky now" I say and then sweep my foot under his leg so he could fall and he did. I fell right on top of him should've moved my leg. I have to admit I fell for his emerald gaze and he fell for my blue/greyish/green gaze. But it was moments later when......

Heuheu cliffhanger enjoy!!!! I've changed a few things if you noticed. It was a little rewrite but I am currently remaking it so go ahead and take a look at it.

Supernatural/Teen Wolf Crossover #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now