A night of explaining

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Disclaimer- This is the seventh disclaimer and your going to get even more disclaimers later on in the story so just a warning. I do not own Teen Wolf or Supernatural nor the cast members of each show. Who's ready for Teen Wolf today?

Previously- Addison let's loose on her anger at Derek and gets more vision's. She also visits someone we all know that's right it was Deaton yay.

A night of explaining

"Why do they think that" he asked curiously placing something on the table. "It was this mission sort of that got screwed up and that ended bad" I said sighing. "So you said if I concrete on something it should move" I asked him. "Supposedly" he said. "But I don't really know" he said. "Ok thanks Deaton for at least something" I said. "I'm here 24/7" he said.

I walked out and got into my car. I sighed before driving toward the woods. I got out and locked my car doors. I started walking to Derek's loft and saw no one there. "Great" I mumbled to myself. I started to think I had time to talk to Dean maybe. I headed back to my car and unlocked it stepping inside.

I pulled out the piece of paper that has Dean's number on it and dialed it into my phone. Then I had second thoughts and turned off my phone putting my car into drive and rolled down a window so I could track down Derek's scent.

No I'm not sticking my head out a window. I'm letting a breeze in so the scent would come closer. It lead me to the Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital. I got out and walked in. It's empty like no one is here because of the storm. I pulled out my .45 magnum and started walking. I eventually heard growling and fighting. To my left I saw a woman getting dragged by the blind leader and ugh Kali.

I walked behind them but with a distance. They were forcing her to say something on the intercom. Once that was said they let her go I walked up to her. "Are you ok" I asked her. She jumped. "Oh my- who are you" she asked. "Not the time for names" I said then heard this chanting. I looked at her and I guess she heard it too because we were both walking towards it. I held my pistol up high walking around the corner and saw this creature with a scar along it's face and was very pale. It moved so fast it knocked both of us out.

5 minutes later (try saying that in the voice of the guy off of Spongebob)

I snap up to someone repeatedly slapping me in the face but not too harsh. I look around and see one older guy and the woman from the hospital. "Where are we" I asked them hoping for an answer. "I have no idea" the guy with short blonde hair in a sheriff outfit on.

I sighed looking up at the sky. "Well I'll be damned there is no way out unless you have someone else up there or a ladder" I said. "Who are you" the woman tried again. I sighed before saying. "My names Addison" I said. "I've never seen you here before" the sheriff said. "That's because I've only been here for a couple of weeks and rarely stepped out of the house" I said. "So do you know what's happening Melissa" the sheriff said.

"Something supernatural" she said. "You don't believe that do you" he asked her. "In a town like this I would" I said. "What you believe in that too" he asked. "Hell yeah I do" I said. "So I guess I should break this down for you" Melissa said. "Break what down" he asked confused. "Scott my son is a werewolf" she said. "A werewolf" he said. "Scott's your son" I asked. "Yeah you know him" she asked. "A little and if you need proof I'm right here" I said.

"Your a werewolf too" he asked. "Yep although I'm not really supposed to be" I said sitting down near them. "Why" he asked. "You see I'm a hunter and I still am but I got bitten" I said. "So there's hunters too" he asked.
"This is going to be a long fucking night" I said. They both looked at me with rosen eyebrows. "What am I not supposed to say that because last time I checked the United States of America is a free country" I said. They both laughed at me and I eventually started laughing with them. "So I would like to see this proof" he said.

"Ok but if you aim something at me don't say you won't have it aiming back at you I have great skills" I said and they both looked at me again. "Let me rephrase that don't aim a taser nor a gun at me got it" I said. They both nodded slowly laughing. I took a deep breath and started slow.

I started with claws. "You see these bad boys are the main weapon for a werewolf" I said. His eyes widen slowly. Then I moved on to fangs. "These are another weapon for a werewolf but not really their used for biting like an alpha biting someone so that person would become their beta" I said. "I for one is a beta" I said. "And who's your alpha" he asked. "Derek" I said. "Derek Hale" he said. "Yep you got it" I said flashing my eyes. "These come in different colors blue, amber, and red" I said. "They all have a different meaning" I said. "And what are the meanings" he asked. "I was getting to that" I told him.

"Amber means you are a new wolf or an omega or you haven't taken the life of an innocent, Blue means you have taken the life of an innocent you could be an omega or a beta doesn't matter, now Red means you are the alpha the most powerful one of them all and you outrule your betas or can create them" I said. "So what is an omega" he asked. "An omega is a stray wolf a loner without a pack" I told him. "Wow this is a lot to take in" he said. "I know it is but you have to get used to it" I told him. "Is my son a werewolf" he said.

"Who's your son" I asked. "Stiles" he said. "Oh no he's 100% human" I told him. "Oh thank god" he said and I chuckled. "Today has been a long day so why don't we get some rest" I said.
"One more question" he said. "Shoot away" I said. "You said you were a hunter right" he asked. "Yeah why" I asked him. "So do you all have different weapons for things" he asked. "What do you mean by that" I asked. "Like for different supernatural
creatures" he said.

"That depends we mainly use crossbows, pistols, snipers, rifles, daggers, and many many more" I said. "Well that's nice to know" he said leaning against the wall drifting off while Melissa tuned out on everything and fell asleep herself. I thought it would be nice to stay up and watch out for that damn Darach.

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