The visions pt. 2

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Disclaimer- I don't own Teen Wolf nor the cast members. I don't own Supernatural nor it's characters. However I do own Addison she's my oc.

Previously- After the death of Boyd Addison tries to relax a bit in a way while Derek sneaks in though the window and doesn't get stabbed by Addison but gets shot in the knee with an arrow by Addison. Addison gets the same visions Sammy does if you hadn't noticed but if you don't know I suggest you watch Supernatural for a more visual experience. Now Derek knows about her visions I mean is being told about her visions.

The visions pt. 2

"Derek please I'm fine" I told him. "You better start explaining" he said stubbornly. "I'll explain in the car cause we have to go" I told him demandingly. "You. Don't. Tell. Me. What. To. Do" he growled. "Ok fine you stay here because I'm not staying here waiting for someone else to die" I told him.

He stood there. "You made your choice see you later" I said grabbing my keys but he grabbed my wrist. "I am coming with you" he said. "Then come on" I said impatiently. "Can you stop telling me what to do I'm am your alpha if you remember" he told me.

I started to get annoyed and no one likes an annoyed Addison plus I am a werewolf. I slammed my hands on the counter. I know I was shifting because I feel my fangs coming out. "Derek you are not my alpha I get it you bit me but right now your really annoying I told you already I was helping your pack that's it" I snapped at him. "No your my beta and until I lose my alpha rank but I'm still an alpha" he snapped back. "That doesn't mean your my alpha" I yelled at him.

"I am not going to argue with you about this" he said. "Good you can have fun walking" I said grabbing my keys I slammed on the table but he snatched them away from me. "Give me back my car keys Derek" I told him. He crushed them in his hands and gave them back to me. He had a smirk on his face before walking out. I didn't care I made extra.

I walked to my dresser and pulled out the second pair. I'm reminding myself to give Derek some physical pain for destroying my keys although I had more. I locked my apartment door and walked to my car. I unlocked it and sat in my car for a couple minutes because you wanna know why I'm in the middle of having another vision. It was about a man who just walked into his apartment and was settling in when there was figure that walked past.

The vision stopped and then continued. He walked toward the window and looked out there but saw nothing. So he shrugged it off and when he turned around his blood splattered over the window and I'm also going to assume the walls. Then it stopped completely.

I reached over to grab the handle to the glove compartment and I pulled out my journal. Let's see...aha. I found something that is useful. I'll just go to the Hale's emissary. Alan Deaton don't ask how I know you should ask my father that. Then I felt really guilty because they don't even know I'm alive. I sighed putting my journal back into the glove compartment then closed it. I put my car in drive before going into my playlist.

The first song to play was 'This is gospel' by Panic! At The Disco. I start to sing along.

This is gospel for the fallen ones
Locked away in permanent slumber
Assembling their philosophies
From pieces of broken memories

Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart
Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart

The gnashing teeth and criminal tongues conspire against the odds
But they haven't seen the best of us yet

If you love me let me go
If you love me let me go
'Cause these words are knives that often leave scars
The fear of falling apart
And the truth be told, I never was yours
The fear, the fear of falling apart.

That's all I could sing before I pulled up at the animal clinic. Smooth cover place smooth I thought. I opened the door and walked past. I saw a man walk out. "You must be Alan Deaton" I said. "I am and who's asking if you don't mind me asking" he asked. "Oh do you know anyone by the name of John Winchester" I asked him. "Yes I do why" he asked. "And do you know how many kids he had" I asked him. "Three two boys and one-" he stopped to look at me. "Girl" he said. "Your Addison" he asked. "Yes sir" I said. "Well what are you doing here" he asked. "I came for help" I told him. "What do you need help with" he asked. Then a vision was coming in. "With this" I told him then saw a woman and a teenager in a way nope an adult teen there.

They were arguing then he picked up the knife with his mind. "Please stop you don't have to do this" she said. "After all they did to me you watched and didn't bother to help" he said. "I'm sorry" she said. "No your not" he said stabbing her with it.

Then my vision was clear. "What did you see Addison" he said. "How did you know" I asked him. "Your father didn't tell you" he asked. "He didn't tell me what Deaton" I asked. "I can't tell you but I can only help" he said then another vision came into mind.

The woman, the boy, and Dean. They were arguing again and then Dean stepped in the way protecting her. "If your going to do this you'll have to go through me" Dean said stubbornly. "Suit your self" the boy said letting the knife hit my brother and him dying. "NO" I screamed and then everything in the room flew toward the wall in front of me. I was breathing hard. "Addison what did you see this time" Deaton asked coming out of the room after seeing the stuff had been on the floor. He began to pick up some stuff and I helped him. "It was this woman and her kid but then there was my brother" I told him. "Then they were arguing then brother was protecting her from him he could move things with his mind can I do that too" I asked him. "If you concentrate hard even what did you see after that to make you do that" he asked guiding to the mess. "For that I'm sorry but after that I saw Dean dying and it set me off I see what Sammy sees" I told him. "You must have bond with them but please tell me why are you here and not with them" he asked. "They think I'm dead" I told him.

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