Easter ~Side Story Part One

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"I really don't want to do this but if it makes the kid happy" I mumble to myself looking down at the rows and rows of candy. "Aw fuck it" I say shoving a whole bunch of candy in the cart. A parent glared at me for using such language. But do I care? No. It's a free country and I can say all the words I want. Fuck, Damn, Bitch, Asshole, Bastard, you name it. I walked up to the register with a guy staring at me with lust filled eyes. I blame Derek for this shit. Making me wear a skirt, wedges, crop top, and his leather jacket. This guy I swear. "Your total will be $101.45" the woman asked. I growled lowly under my breath handing her my money I've had and made ugh Stiles I'm gonna kill you. "Have a nice day" she said. "You too" I say walking out the store. "Hey wait!" The same guy calls running after me. I turn with a smile. "Hi I'm Lucius" he says. "Hi I'm Addison" I say. "Pretty name for a pretty girl. What are you doing...Friday?" He asked. "Let me tell you something I have a boyfriend and two kids twins at that so I can't" I say. "Well it doesn't have to be like that hang out as friends" he says. I looked at him skeptically. "Try me Saturday" I say walking off to my Ferrari. You know I'm surprised that someone didn't try to steal it. But you know I'd just trace my car down and then kick the shit out of whoever stole it. I drove back home with the bags crashing and falling all over the place. I knew I probably should've strapped them in. Safety first kids or adults or elders or alien. I don't know what you are. I walked in the house. "Perfect timing" Derek said pecking my lips. "Heh where's Jonah and Noah?" I ask him. "Upstairs...they wouldn't leave our room" he said right when they both came barrelling down the stairs. "Mommy!" Noah shouted. I pick them both up. "Were you guys being nice to your father?" I asked. "Yes!" Noah shouted. Jonah still hasn't said anything and it's getting me worried. "Who wants to see Daddy in Bunny Ears?" I ask. Noah smiled widely and raised his hand. "Go put them on him" I say placing down Noah. He eagerly ran towards Derek with the bunny ears. "Jonah what's wrong?" I ask. "Nothing" he mumbled. I didn't even need to listen to his heart to tell they he was lying.

~Surprise surprise I know I know I'll let everything fall into the story plot hehe~

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