Unveiling truth

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*A little insight*

The surgery turned out to be way more complicated than anticipated. Abhimanyu nearly lost his patient on the surgery table. But by god's grace his patient survived. Meanwhile Manjari and Neil has blown Abhimanyu's phone to inform about Akshara's kidnapping, too bad he was busy in the surgery. So Manjari informed Harsh, Mahima and Anand about the kidnapping. The three of them rushed to the Goenka house and they also filed a police complaint about the same.

AT PRESENT - The Birla hospital

Dr. Rohan was pacing restlessly outside of the Operation theatre. His duty hours are over, but he's bound to grab a coffee with his senior now. Why even Dr. Abhimanyu wants to have coffee with him? That man either terrorises him or orders him around. But buying him a coffee is not even in his book of possibilities. Half an hour passes, and Dr. Abhimanyu comes out of the Operation theatre to give good news to the patient's family that the patient is out of danger. Dr. Rohan was glad. Abhimanyu turned to leave but his eyes got Dr. Rohan's presence.

Abhimanyu: Dr. Rohan?

Rohan: Sir, you've asked me to grab..

Abhimanyu: *interrupts him* A coffee with me this evening. I remember. But why are you roaming outside of the OT?

Rohan: Hmm! Actually my duty hours are over, Sir! So I was waiting for you.

"Dr. Rohan is way too obedient in following senior's orders", Abhimanyu concluded.

Abhimanyu: Just give me a min, I'll meet you at the exit after changing into casuals.

Abhimanyu (in his mind): What should I do now? Should I ask him directly about his coffee date with Aarohi? But she resigned the very next day after returning from Chittorgarh and gave reasons about joining a hospital run by an NGO. So things might not have gone further between them. Uggh!! Way to go my dear ego, you've asked Dr. Rohan out for coffee without a plan. Now I can't spoil this opportunity.

As soon as, Abhimanyu reached his cabin he quickly got refreshed and took his accessories. He also checked his phone, only to see the numerous missed calls from his mother and Neil. Did they call him these many times out of excitement? As they are gonna meet after two whole months? His mother is never the one to calmly express her thoughts, so Abhimanyu phone called Neil who picked up within seconds and dropped a bomb.

Neil: *panicking* Bhai!! I swear me and maa tried so hard, but we couldn't save Akshara from getting kidnapped!!!

Abhimanyu: *shocked* What!!

Neil: They kidnapped her from the Goenka house! Tauji has informed the police and they're checking all the business rivals of the Goenkas. Come here fast!

Abhimanyu: *confused*  But why's tauji's taking the legal route, isn't the Goenkas family members are supposed to give the statement.

Neil: What do you mean by that, Bhai?? Akshara is all alone, that's why Maa and I decided to stay with her here at the Goenka house till your marriage with her.

Abhimanyu: *concerned* Why the Goenkas left her alone by herself and endanger her to the extent of getting kidnapped!!! Also, why will I marry her?? I broke up with her two months ago!

Neil: *shocked* You broke up with her, two months ago!!

Manjari, Harsh, Mahima and Anand who were present there was shocked by Neil's statement. Manjari quickly grabbed Neil's phone to talk with Abhimanyu who was lost in his thoughts.

Manjari: *loudly* Abhi!

Abhimanyu (in his mind): If the Goenka's business rivals managed to kidnap Akshara right from their own house, will they target Aarohi next? For god's sake she's probably living in a hostel! Why the heck will they even leave Akshara all alone, if the situation is tensed with their rivals. Please Mahadev! keep her safe! Keep Aarohi safe as well. Also why Akshara never disclosed our breakup to anyone? Did she not see my email?? All her texts and voice messages are just filled with love confessions and begging me to talk with her.

Abhimanyu's head spun as he realised that Akshara was probably deeply in love with him all this time as she might not have seen his email and was awaiting him to come back to her. Abhimanyu closed his eyes in regret. He should have atleast phone called her to clarify things.

His mother's constant screaming through the phone brought him back to reality.

Abhimanyu: *voice shaking* Maa! I'll be there as soon as I can!

Abhimanyu did not waste a minute in dashing out of his cabin and running to the parking lot. When he hopped on the bike, Rohan approached him.

Dr. Rohan: *puzzled* Sir?

Abhimanyu: *tensed* I'm cancelling the plans for a family emergency, Rohan.

Rohan nodded his head in acceptance.

*At Abhinav's house*

Abhinav and the men he hired discreetly brought Akshara to his house, after giving her a very small dosage of the drugs Akshara bought. Now currently, Abhinav left an unconscious Akshara at his room and he's practicing his speech to give infront of her.

Abhinav (to the wall): Hello! I'm Dr. Abhinav Sharma! Wait should I tell her my real name? But I literally made her sign the marriage registration form, what are the chances that she saw my name? Hmm *scratches his beard* I'll give a shot with a fake name. Hello! I'm Dr..... Akhilesh, No! No! I'm Dr. Abhishek Sharma.... Sheikh... Sinha.. Perfect! Hello I'm Dr. Abhishek Sinha! I'm sorry for kidnapping you and forcing you to marry me! *Sighs* But don't worry! I won't hurt you! *guilty* We'll sort things out!

Abhinav's conscience questioned him, how exactly he's planning to sort things out? Well, he did not have any answer to give to his own conscience.



After joining at the hospital run by an NGO, Aarohi found herself with a mentor figure in her senior, Dr. Abhinav Sharma. She felt happy as someone is actually kind to her without her doing anything. As they're closer in age, Aarohi almost associated Dr. Abhinav Sharma as a brother figure. Though they never talked with each other about personal things, Dr. Abhinav Sharma patiently guided her in daily intern stuff, offered her ample of advice regarding her career and further education. Aarohi almost looked forward everyday to learn new things from her senior. But today, she found her senior's behaviour to be very much unusual and odd. She almost saw a different shade of him, when he was making back to back secretive calls in his cabin and he abruptly left before his duty hours giving an obviously fake reason.

Dear readers, for the first time ever I've not used a mere screenshot as cover for my book. How is it?? 😁😁😁

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