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*At the Goenka house*

Neither Aarohi nor Abhimanyu could break the eyelock. But soon a loud crashing sound of two cars colliding was heard from outside. Everyone turned around to look outside, the Birlas and Akshara finally noticed Aarohi's presence. Aarohi has completely turned her back to them to inspect the cause of the sound. Abhimanyu managed to break free from Akshara's embrace and took a step towards Aarohi, but suddenly he saw Aarohi taking a step back as a masked man was approaching her.


Abhinav saw Aarohi entering the Goenka house after paying the taxi, from his hideout and hatched a quick plan. He called his men to split up and instructed them to file a missing report for his car on his name in the police station near the hospital he was working and hack the security cameras of the premises that shows him exiting the hospital today before the kidnapping fiasco and destroy them. He also asked some members to come pick him up, a hundred metres away from the Goenka house with restrains, sedations and a first aid kit.

Then he drove his car backwards for a good measure, before speeding up forwards aiming to collide with the police car. As the three policemen investigating the kidnap were standing inside the compound, they quickly rushed out to collision spot. Meanwhile Abhinav managed to conceal his face and entered the Goenka compound by jumping over the compound wall without being noticed. He took out his pocket knife and advanced towards Aarohi.

[Dear readers, something has gotten into your author 🤣🤣🤣 Seriously I don't know why I'm proceeding like this🤭]

*Flashback ends*

At present.......

After regaining herself from the initial shock, Aarohi tried to make a run for it, but alas Abhinav the masked man was pretty fast. Before anyone could even comprehend what was happening, Abhinav successfully got  Aarohi in his hold and placed the knife threateningly close to her neck. Aarohi gasped in utter shock.

Abhimanyu: *panicking* Aarohi!!!

Abhinav: *loudly* Everyone back off and keep quiet! I don't want to harm her, so don't make me.

To Aarohi's utter disbelief, she recognised the voice and felt numerous emotions coursing through her veins. The three policemen came running back into the compound to try take the intruder down.

Policeman 1: Release her and throw your weapon away or else you'll face severe consequences.

The second policeman tried to advance near the intruder, but he clenched his bodily hold on Aarohi a bit too tightly and earned a noise of discomfort from Aarohi. The policeman stopped advancing. Abhimanyu, Akshara and the Birlas are too lost on with the ongoing scene. Abhinav turned to glare at them. Manjari took Akshara in a protective hold.

Policeman 1: Who are you? Why are you holding Dr. Aarohi Goenka as hostage?

Abhinav: She is not my target. But I won't hesitate to hurt her, if any of you interfered.

Policeman 3: *pissed* Are you from the same group, that kidnapped Ms. Akshara Goenka today?

Aarohi was shocked to know about this new piece of information. Meanwhile Abhinav was thinking about his next move and ignored the policemen's continuous flow of questions. His knife was directly connected with Aarohi's neck, so the policemen did not try to advance as Aarohi might get hurt. Abhinav's phone vibrated in his pant pocket, indicating the arrival of the vehicle he requested. He turned to look at Akshara who was downright panicking. Abhinav does not have the heart to traumatize her further. But his sympathy for Akshara, has a risk of Abhimanyu getting manipulated or forced. So why not take him away from here for sometime. Also Abhinav does know that Aarohi must have recognised his voice, yep so she's tagging along.

Policeman 1: *loudly* Answer us, dammit! Why are staying silent! This is my final warning, *taking his gun out, the other two policemen followed the gesture* Release Dr. Aarohi at this instant or we'll make you regret!

Abhinav casually took a deep breath to compose himself and spoke loud & clear.

Abhinav: I want Dr. Abhimanyu Birla to throw his phone away and walk with me or else Dr. Aarohi Goenka will be joining her dead relatives.

This shocked everyone. Akshara had flashes of child Aarohi playing with her. She did make up her mind to hate Aarohi to her heart's content, yes she wanted Aarohi gone but not from the world. But she has got her Abhi after two painful months of seperation. So NO in the hell way she's going to loose him. The senior Birlas also tried to protest.

Harsh: *angrily* Who the hell are you even, leave Dr. Aarohi! Why are you doing all the this, if this is about money.....

Anand: *interrupting him* Name the amount, and you'll have it. But please leave Dr. Aarohi!

Mahima: *determined* We'll not send our son and also don't you dare hurt Dr. Aarohi!

Manjari was also panicking by the demand of the intruder. Neil held his brother tightly and Akshara did too. But sadly Abhinav wanted to make it fast out of the Goenka's compound. So Abhinav sliced Aarohi neck deep enough to draw blood but not enough to become life threatening. Abhimanyu and Akshara were horrified.

Abhimanyu: *shocked* Please don't!

Akshara: *crying* Please leave her!

Abhinav: *dangerously*   Then do as I say! Everyone go inside and Dr. Abhimanyu come out!

Abhimanyu took his phone away and threw it afar. And took a step forward only to be restrained by his father, brother and Akshara. Manjari, Mahima and Anand joined them.

Everyone: Don't!

The policemen tried to talk some sense into the armed man, but it fell on deaf ears. Although Aarohi could not move and the cut she has got now was paining. She tried to speak up but she couldn't till now due to getting frozen in fear. That's why she did not even utter any word till the whole exchange owing to her frozen self. Tears prickled her eyes. She for a fact was 100% sure that this is her pseudo big brother figure cum kind senior.

Aarohi: *betrayed* Why are you doing this....

Abhinav mumbled a quick sorry and muffled her before Aarohi could take his name. And Abhinav cut Aarohi's neck for the second time.

Everyone: No!

As the gravity of the situation dawned on them, the policemen entered the Goenka Villa requesting the masked man not to harm Dr. Aarohi.

Abhinav: *impatiently* Make it fast, Dr. Abhimanyu Birla!

Abhimanyu obeyed after shrugging off the holds of his family and Akshara.

Abhinav: *pleased* Good! Now lock this main door.

Abhimanyu did so. Abhinav knew that everyone will definitely escape but it'll buy them some time, till they break the door open or get help. He for a fact knew that the Goenka house has only one main entrance/exit door.

Abhinav instructed Abhimanyu to keep walking and followed Abhimanyu with a terrified Aarohi in his hold. When they reached the vehicle the men got out to restrain Abhimanyu. Though Abhimanyu did not physically protest, he was starting to go into a whirlwind of repressed memories. Abhinav understood him having flashbacks of that night.

Abhinav: *suddenly* Stop! Don't tie him up but bring the sedation.

His men did so, Abhinav then spoke to Abhimanyu.

Abhinav: *calmly* Dr. Abhimanyu Birla, take the sedation and inject it  yourself.

Abhimanyu took them, and immediately recognised the drug as a doctor. It was a general anesthesia injection laying innocently on his palm now.

Abhinav: *impatiently* We don't have all day! So make it fast!

Abhimanyu: *disturbed* If I do as you say, will you please leave her?

Abhimanyu's uncertain eyes met the teary eyes of Aarohi.


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