1. The color of fate

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What was the color of the thread,
That stitched the torn parts of me?
The ones left behind , to never,
Be loved, thrown away by destiny.

What was the shade of blue?
That your heart promised me once,
I chose and picked a dress for myself,
But never would I admit the color as love.

For the dress I bought was white,
It was the color of the void, hopeful, in my heart,
But it was slowly shifting its hues with the days,
I made a mistake, and I made a mistake.

I thought about the future, didn't notice,
The hand I was once holding was slipping,
Your eyes were shifting, distracted,
There was no way I would have been blind, I did notice.

But there is a name to the game I was playing,
It is called, make believe,
Where I cry and then pretend,
Maybe it was me, who didn't see it.

And so I'll continue with my days,
Pressing down every popping up clue,
Until today, I saw this mess,
I always knew I always knew.

So, the more of a prideful fool is me,
Even when I absolutely know everything,
I'll try to pray and beg to my destiny,
Only to blinded by the color that doesn't belong to me.

Faded Blue FateWhere stories live. Discover now