☁Chapter 3☁

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*Two hours later*

I managed to ask a female teacher for her jacket and she lended it to me once I told her the situation.

Its the end of the school day and I have to go and walk back home. I hurridly ran through the hallways and out the school doors. I didn't bother to look up at anyone.  I finally looked up at where I was so I can find my way home but of course, I had to bump into Katherine. "Kahatra?" She asked, but I didn't reply. I got off the ground and dusted myself off.

I looked up into her eyes and gave her the most raged glare I could manage and then decided to look past her. A few of her friends were circling around her looking at me with a disgusted look on their faces. "Katherine.. Why are you talking to her. We have to discuss our party.. Remember?" One if the brunettes said.

"Deja can you just shut the hell  up, I'm tired of you ranting on and on about this party. Its not even that serious." She said. She turned her gaze back to me, but I wasn't paying any mind. I was just thinking about how I'm going to prepare to the consequences I'll get from when I go back home. I walked forward, ignoring the glares from Katherine's friends and pushed past people until a guy in a dark black suit sped infront of me. 

The hell?

Maybe he's a really good sports runner. Football maybe?

"Ahem" He cleared is throat, also clearing my thoughts.

"Hi." I said awkwardly, still not meeting his eyes. "I think your kind of in my way." I said softly. I had enough today, so I didnt really need to start anything by giving this guy my attitude, which let me say, he did deserve.

"Yeah I know" He said coolly. Alright. Here we go.

"Whatever" I muttered.

I went around him and started to walk more faster, because I felt like that same guy was following me or something. I didnt look back because I really wanted to get back home. Did I really just say that? I never thought I would but it seems like the most safest place to be considering its getting dark.


A few minutes later, I reached my house. I looked at the clock I set outside of the house and it was 6:37 PM. I stood the clock back up  neatly and sighed, knowing whats coming for me. I unlocked the door slowly, without making any noise. I peeped my head inside and looked around. I saw my dad laying on our now alcohol covered couch. His position looked really uncomfortable but he looked so peaceful in his sleep while clutching onto a picture of Him, Katherine, Mom, and I... Except he x'd out my face in the picture.

I smiled at the sight of my dad. If I wasnt me, I'd just think he's an innocent cool guy. But, sadly, it's not true. Well.. to others, but he's a really good actor. When the curtains are up he's the monster I have to remind myself he has became in my eyes.

I tip-toed upstairs, not wanting to waste anymore time downstairs risking for me to get caught. I was really thankful he wasn't up so nothing would happen to me tonight, because I really wasnt in the mood.

I laid out my blanket onto the cold tile floor and lit up some fire in the fire place. Yeah, I dont have a really good room with a bed and a cute dresser with collections of stuffed animals and cute things and accessories I wish I had every night. No. I have a cold room that doesnt even deserve to be called room. It feels like an experiment place that scientist would come in and just create mutations.

I blinked a few times sleepily then finally I fell into a deep sleep escaping the world.


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