Bløød Testing

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A/N hey, so I hope you enjoy this story. Please don't steal from it bc that's kinda illegal when I have all rights reserved- which I do. So I really hope you like this, see you later my sweet little gummy bears!

Katie Mason

Everyone who went to my school fit into perfect categories. Of course you could put them into Bløød categories, but once you turned sixteen and found out your Bløød type you went to a different school so that wouldn't really work. The categories we did fit in went something like this:

1. The popular group. I'm guessing that's self explanatory, however, those in this spot weren't all mean. My best friend was here.

2. Then came the nerds. Your typical geniuses. Again they weren't all awkward. My other best friend was here.

3. The 'bad kids'. The party throwing, pranking kids who spent more time in the office than in class.

4. The sporty ones. Me. The ones who played every sport and won. The ones who neglected more important things if a competitive game came up.

5. Them. We rarely called them by who they really were. Instead it was them, the group, or the 'scars. They were all from the district of Nucumscar.

There had never been a Bløød B who wasn't from Nucumscar.

They were not to be trusted. Ever. You didn't want to get attached to one who ended up with The Eighth Power. Those with this in their blood a different gift. They had power over minds. If you could controlled a mind you could controlled a body. Multiple minds = multiple bodies. Therefore one Bløød B could controlled us. Those who survived the Great Elimination. The last survivors of the world who joined together to make one last country.

This is why I'm getting up at four in the morning.

"Katie Marie Mason! Daniel Jason Mason! Breakfast is ready!" Imagine that. Moms awake at four. Fun. Notice that sarcasm just dripping from my mouth.

"Well did you buy scarsons? If not I'm not hungry!" My twin brother called down stairs from his bedroom across the hall.

"Daniel! You will eat what your mother made. Unless you want to buy that nasty expensive breakfast bagel." Father's threat bellowed through the house, efficiently shutting up my bankrupt brother, at least for the time being.

I rolled out of my fluffy cocoon in my canopy bed and hopped over to the ruby studded mirror. My chocolate brown hair flowed over my shoulder in a cascade that simply screamed 'Hello! I'm a morning person!'. My eyes were the same shade as the clear blue ocean outside my window. Flawless skin wreathed my face- except for the bruise on my forehead. I quickly pulled my hair over it so father wouldn't see.

"Katherine? Come quick dear. The foods getting cold." Father informed me.

I undressed and pulled a fitted blue dress over my head, it matched my eyes exactly.

I ran- or stumbled thanks to the dress- down the mahogany stairs and into the dining room. Mother was watching servants set the eggs and biscuits on the table as father used his new translucent work pad to watch the news. He gave me a peck on the cheek as I skipped over to sit next to him.

Daniel grunted when he saw me.

"When will you quit flouncing around? You look like a hog trying to hula dance. In a dress. You look bad in dresses." Well thanks.

"Well Daniel, it's not my fault I have to wear this piece of crap. Why don't you try it on?"

"No thanks."

Bløød BWhere stories live. Discover now