-Minho's letter-

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Minho's Part

Dear Minho

I'm sorry...
I'm so fucking sorry... but I can't anymore...

Everything hurts...
My scars... My head... My stomach...

Please don't be mad at me but I can't do this anymore.... I CAN'T TAKE ALL THIS SHIT ANYMORE!

I'm sorry....I'm sorry for everything....

I never thought I would have to do this shit...

I'm sorry for everything... really everything...

I wish you the best...

My depression wins the fight...

I want to die...

I'm sorry baby. ♡

Your Jisung ♡♡

Geschockt laß ich den Brief.

Er will sterben.

Er hat es nicht verdient...

Er ist zu Jung...
Tränen rollten über meine Wange und tropften auf den Brief.

Are we too young for this?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt