Part 1 - Airplane's Fortuitous Encounter

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The Scum Self-Saving System
Part 1 - Airplane's Fortuitous Encounter

"Everybody, break's over! Please return to your seats and listen," said Daisy cheerfully. Once everyone was seated, she continued, "As I mentioned earlier, we won't jump straight into chapter two, but we'll react to something else while waiting for the last guests. Your exists as a novel in our universe, and like every novel, it has volumes. Yours has four of them, with the first three being the main story and the last one being a bunch of side stories.

"We'll be reacting to one of those side stories. It's important to note that this story will be from Airplane Shooting Toward the Sky's point of view, not Shen Qingqiu's. And this is just a short part of his story; once we finish Volume One, you'll see more of it.

"The goal is to allow you a moment to relax before the following chapter and guests arrive. When we continue to chapter two, you'll have together three questions you could ask, and Calista or I will answer truthfully. Unless it's a significant spoiler. Questions about unknown words won't count either. Everything else is fair game. And that's all from me." With that, she sat down and drank an entire water bottle in about a minute.

Upon hearing that they would be reacting to something from his point of view, Shang Qinghua wished he could disappear. What if they discovered that he was actually the author? Meanwhile, Shen Qingqiu was happy that his agony was temporarily over. 'Thank you, heavens!'

AIRPLANE SHOOTING TOWARDS THE SKY was an author of stallion novels.

"Oh, sweet heavens above! He has more than just one?" Qi Qingqi felt like she was on the brink of fainting. "Please, for the love of all that's sacred, tell me they all aren't as bad as this one?"

"Why do my children hate me so much?" Shen Qinghua bemoaned to Shen Qingqiu. Shen Qingqiu was already thoroughly enjoying the unfolding drama. "Because you suck, much like your novel," Shen Qingqiu quipped back. "Yet you still devoured every last word of it!" Shang Qinghua shot back, refusing to let Shen Qingqiu have the last word.

A somewhat well-known author of stallion novels.

An author of stallion novels who, even on a site like Zhongdian Literature, where great gods ran all over the place and lesser gods sprouted up like grass on prime soil, was mentioned with some frequency.

That extreme speed and perseverance as he updated ten thousand words a day, every day, for three years straight! Those periodic burst releases of eight whole chapters! A daring so bold it could engulf the whole country! To the authors following the same road up from the streets where they had openly prostrated themselves, he was a legend. But he was a legend only to be glimpsed, not obtained, a myth one could search for endlessly but only meet by chance.

Qi Qingqi's incredulous stare could have burned a hole through steel. "Hold up. Are we talking about word count or a marathon here? That excuse for a novel must've been longer than a to-do list on a Monday morning. And who's got the time to read all that?"

Calista chimed in, pointing an accusatory finger at Shen Qingqiu, who looked like he just got caught red-handed in a cookie jar. "Oh, this guy," she said, earning a bewildered look from Shen Qingqiu. "Actually, Airplane wrote 25,000 on weekends." Said Daisy. Calista, who was rudely interrupted, started again. "And get this, he devoured a 20-million-word novel in just 20 days. A million words a day! Now, whether he's a genius or just off his rocker, I'll let you decide."

The group gaped at Shen Qingqiu, trying to gauge if he was a literary savant or just plain loony. "I'm still on the fence," admitted Qi Qingqiu. "But the more I hear, the more I'm leaning towards 'definitely not'."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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