Chapter 6- Man in a can

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Months had past and eventually, Tony had been found and was currently on his way home.His escape was complex, he had built a suit of armour and flown out, loosing Yinsen on the way out.As they settled into the car, with Happy behind the wheel, Pepper's concern for Tony's well-being deepened. "Happy, take us to the hospital," she instructed firmly, her voice tinged with worry.

But Tony shook his head, a determined glint in his eyes. "No hospitals," he insisted, his voice resolute. "I want an American cheeseburger and a press conference."

Pepper exchanged a worried glance with Rhodey, but they both knew better than to argue with Tony when he had made up his mind. "Alright, Tony," Pepper relented, her tone gentle. "We'll get you that cheeseburger, but then we're going to have a serious talk."

Tony nodded, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the car window. As they drove through the bustling streets of the city, Tony's mind raced with thoughts of the press conference ahead. He knew that he had a lot to explain, a lot of questions to answer, but he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

When they arrived at the burger joint, Tony turned to Morgan with a warm smile. "Hey, kiddo, how about we get you a cheeseburger too?" he offered, extending a hand to her.

Morgan's eyes lit up with excitement, and she eagerly climbed onto Pepper's lap, nodding enthusiastically.

Pepper wrapped her arms around Morgan, holding her close as they waited for their food. Despite the uncertainty of the situation, Tony couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in his heart at the sight of his daughter's joy. And as they enjoyed their cheeseburgers together, Tony vowed to do whatever it took to protect his family and rebuild the bond that had been strained by his absence.

As they arrived at Stark Industries for the press conference, the air crackled with anticipation. The sprawling building loomed before them, cameras flashing as reporters jostled for position, eager to capture every moment.

Obadiah, ever the picture of false hospitality, opened Tony's car door with a smooth smile, gesturing for him to step out. Tony obliged, though his expression remained guarded as he followed Obadiah's lead.

Meanwhile, Pepper emerged from the car, cradling Morgan in her arms protectively. The little girl nestled against her mother's shoulder, her wide eyes taking in the flurry of activity around them.

Pepper's heart swelled with a mix of pride and concern as she carried Morgan through the throng of reporters, shielding her from the chaos as best she could. She knew that Tony's return would attract attention, but she was determined to keep her daughter safe amidst the frenzy.

As they navigated through the sea of reporters, the barrage of questions became incessant, each inquiry vying for Tony's attention.

"Is that your daughter, Mr. Stark?" one reporter called out, camera flashes illuminating the scene.

Tony's jaw tightened, but he remained silent, his gaze fixed ahead as he followed Obadiah's lead.

Pepper, ever the picture of grace under pressure, ignored the questions, focusing solely on ensuring Morgan's safety amidst the chaos. She held her daughter close, shielding her from the prying eyes and probing questions of the press.

Morgan, sensing the tension, buried her face in Pepper's shoulder, seeking solace in her mother's embrace.

"Miss Potts can I talk to you for a moment?" A small middle aged man asked approaching her.
"I'm not part of the press conference but yeah"
He turned round to look at her.
"I'm not a reporter, I'm agent Phil coulson of the strategic homeland intervention enforcement logistics division" he pulled out a badge showing pepper.
"That's quite a mouthful" she replied taking the badge with her free hand and carrying Morgan in the other.
"I know, we're working on it"he smiled watching her face.
"You know we've been approached already by the DOD the FBI the CIA-"
"we're a seperate divison, with a more specific focus, we need to debrief Mr Stark about the circumstances of his escape"
Pepper politely smiled, "I'll put something in the book shall I?"
He nodded and turned away "thank you"

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