Chapter 12-Holiday shananigans

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Two weeks later, Tony, Pepper, Morgan, Rhodey, and Happy were aboard a private jet en route to Greece. It was meant to be a much-needed break after the chaos of the past few weeks, but the trip was already off to a rocky start.

As the jet began its descent, Morgan started crying, clutching her ears in pain. Pepper tried to comfort her, holding her close and whispering soothing words, but Morgan's cries only grew louder.

"Tony, we should have waited until she was older for a trip like this," Pepper said, her voice strained with frustration. "Her ears are hurting, and the press is going to be all over us when we land. This was a terrible idea."

Tony sighed, rubbing his temples. "I know, Pep, but we needed this. We all did. And I thought she'd be okay."

Rhodey, seated across from them, chuckled. "You know the press, Tony. They'll be there whether you like it or not. But look on the bright side, at least they won't be writing about Obadiah's threats anymore. You turned that around pretty quick."

Happy, who was sitting next to Rhodey, chimed in, "I brought some candy. Maybe that'll help her ears pop." He handed a lollipop to Pepper, who gratefully accepted it and offered it to Morgan. Morgan took it hesitantly, her crying subsiding slightly as she focused on the treat.

"Thanks, Happy," Pepper said, giving him a small smile. She then turned to Tony, her expression softening. "I know you meant well, but we need to think about how all this affects her."

Tony nodded, his eyes on Morgan. "You're right. I just wanted to give us a break, a chance to be a family without all the chaos for once."

Rhodey leaned over, patting Tony on the shoulder. "You'll figure it out, man. It's a learning curve. Besides, Greece is beautiful this time of year. It'll be worth it."

The plane touched down smoothly, and the roar of the engines began to fade. Morgan, now calmer, clung to Pepper as they prepared to disembark.

As they stepped off the jet and into the warm Mediterranean air, Tony saw a small crowd of reporters gathered beyond the private terminal's barriers. Camera flashes began immediately, and the murmur of questions filled the air.

"Mr. Stark! Mr. Stark! How is your daughter doing after the incident?"

"Tony, what are your plans for Stark Industries now?"

Pepper tightened her grip on Morgan and shot Tony a look that said, *I told you so.*

Tony raised his hand, signaling for quiet. "We're here for a family vacation," he announced. "No business, no drama. Just some time away. Please respect our privacy."

The press reluctantly backed off, still snapping photos but giving them a bit more space. Rhodey, Happy, and the small security team helped usher them through the terminal and into a waiting car.

Once they were safely inside, Tony exhaled deeply. "Alright, no more surprises. Just us, the sun, and the sea."

Pepper, still holding Morgan, leaned her head on Tony's shoulder. "Let's hope it stays that way."

Rhodey chuckled again. "With you, Tony, nothing ever stays quiet for long. But I wouldn't have it any other way."

As the car drove them towards their villa, Morgan finally fell asleep in Pepper's arms, her tiny face peaceful.

As the car pulled up to the villa, the sight of the picturesque Greek coastline greeted them. The villa was a stunning whitewashed structure with blue accents, nestled against the backdrop of the crystal-clear Aegean Sea. Bougainvillea flowers draped gracefully over the walls, adding vibrant splashes of color.

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