Chapter 9- Responsibilitys

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As Rhodey arrived at the mansion, he wasted no time in calling for an ambulance, knowing that Morgan's condition was serious. Once the call was made, he hurried to the workshop, with Happy close behind him.

But as they entered the workshop, their hearts sank at the sight before them. Tony was nowhere to be found.

"What the hell?" Rhodey exclaimed, his frustration boiling over as he scanned the empty workshop. "Where's Tony?"

Happy's face paled as he realized what had happened. "He's gone," he said, his voice tinged with disbelief. "He must have snuck off to the gala."

Rhodey clenched his jaw, his frustration mounting with each passing second. "Damn it, Tony," he muttered under his breath.

With a sense of urgency, Rhodey and Happy hurried back to the main part of the mansion, their minds racing with worry for Morgan.

As the paramedics arrived, Rhodey and Happy's sense of urgency heightened. They continued to try calling Pepper, but with each attempt, they were met with silence.

With Morgan's condition worsening by the minute, they knew they couldn't afford to wait any longer.

"Where are her parents?" one of the paramedics asked, glancing between Rhodey and Happy as they loaded Morgan onto the stretcher.

Rhodey exchanged a worried glance with Happy before answering. "Pepper and Tony... they're not here. We've been trying to reach them," he explained, his voice tense with concern.

The paramedics exchanged concerned looks before focusing on their task at hand. With practiced efficiency, they quickly assessed Morgan's condition and prepared to transport her to the hospital.

Rhodey and Happy followed closely behind as they rushed out of the mansion and into the waiting ambulance.

The ambulance raced through the streets towards the hospital, its flashing lights and blaring sirens attracted the attention of nearby pedestrians and passing motorists. Among them were reporters and paparazzi, who quickly realized that something significant was happening.

Soon, a swarm of press vehicles began to follow the ambulance, their cameras flashing and reporters shouting questions as they tried to keep pace.

"Is that Tony Stark's daughter?"

"Where are her parents? What happened?"

"Are they okay?"

Inside the ambulance, Rhodey and Happy exchanged worried glances as they listened to the chaos outside. They knew that the situation was about to become even more complicated with the press on their tail.

"We need to keep them at bay," Rhodey said firmly, "We can't let them interfere with Morgan's treatment."

Happy nodded in agreement, his expression grim. "I'll try to block them as best as I can," he replied, his voice determined.

The ambulance continued its journey towards the hospital, Rhodey and Happy braced themselves for the onslaught of questions and cameras waiting for them at their destination.

As the ambulance screeched to a halt outside the hospital's emergency entrance, Rhodey and Happy quickly jumped out, followed by the paramedics who rushed Morgan into the emergency room.

The scene outside the hospital was chaotic, with reporters and camera crews swarming around them, shouting questions and flashing cameras in their faces.

Rhodey's jaw clenched as he caught snippets of the news reports being broadcast on nearby screens, his heart sinking at the sight of headlines speculating about Morgan's condition and the whereabouts of her parents.

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