#13. Max Pacioretty: Montreal Canadians

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You enter the Bell Center giddy with excitement that you finally have the opportunity to go see your favorite team the Montreal Canadiens play. You and your best friend (Y/F/N) are wearing your Canadiens jersey's proudly. Even though yours is Pacioretty and hers is Price. You two hurriedly make your way through the Arena and you look around while (Y/F/N) laughs at the ridiculous look that most likely is on your face. All of a sudden you run into a person while you aren't looking and you fall to the ground.

"Oh are you alright?" A male voice asks you. You look up and meet the eyes of your favorite Montreal Canadian.  Your eyes widen when you recognize Max Pacioretty.

"I, ur, um, Yeah" You manage to stutter. He extends a hand and pulls you up.

"I see you're wearing my jersey" he says smiling cheekily and you nod still tongue tied. "Well I've got to go get ready for the game maybe I'll see you later?" He asks. 

"Yeah, of course" You say smiling shyly then he goes on his way and (Y/F/N) comes up to stand next to you.

"Was that, who I thought that was?" She asks eyes wide.

"Yep" You say "C'mon lets go" You say and start to make your way to your seats. The whole arena is packed, and the seats are a sea of red and white with the occasional Black and gold Sweater in the mix since the Canadiens are playing their bitterest rivals the Bruins. During Warm-Ups you notice Pacioretty looking at you a few times since you and (Y/F/N) are so close to the ice.

"Did he ask you out?" She whispers to you and you shake your head no. All of a sudden a puck comes flying over the glass and you reach down to pick it up. It reads: Hey Beautiful, Meet me by the main entrance after the game, -Max. You glance up and see Max staring at you. You smile at him and he grins before turning and heading toward his team who are exciting the ice. Beside you (Y/F/N) is freaking out but you take no notice.

*Max's P.O.V*

The moment I ran into her I felt a connection to her. Her (Y/H/C) was braided loosely and her (Y/E/C) were nervous and shy. I could tell she was shocked and immediately fell for her shy attitude. After apologizing and practically booking it out of there because I was so embarrassed because I obviously scared her. I searched for her during warmups and when I saw her, I decided to go for it and send the puck over the glass. Seeing her smile before I headed off to the locker room was the best feeling in the world, even though I knew I was going to get yelled at for being late for the warmups and going to get teased, I didn't really care.

"So," P.K says as I make my way to my stall "Who was that?"

"Nobody" I reply blushing slightly.

"Ooh" Carey says grinning "Max has a girlfriend Max has a girlfriend" He chants and the team joins in.

"Boys Boys, calm yourselves please, we have a game to play remember" Coach Therrien calls walking in and it gets dead quiet. "Pacioretty? Where were you earlier?" He asks turning his attention to me.

"Sorry coach my car broke and then I knocked over a fan by accident while I was walking." I admit sheepishly "I promise it won't happen again"

"It better not" He says and starts the pregame pep-talk. Finally we head put onto the ice to start the game against the Bruins. By the time the 3rd period rolls around we're down by a goal with a minute left. I'm on the bench as I watch Alex send the puck to Brendan who fires it past Rask and everyone is on their feet. In the minute that follows nothing happens and we go to OT.

  P.K and I are down by the bruins goal, I pass to him and he skates around the net trying to shake off  Patrice Bergeron. He passes the puck back to me and I take a shot. It bounces off of Rask and goes in! The whole arena shakes as my teammates come onto the ice. Before they get to me I skate over to where she is sitting and point at her meaning that I scored for her. She grins and mouths a thank you to me and I smile back. Then my teammates ponce on me and I lose sight of her.

After a few interviews and packing up my stuff I head out of the locker room. I quickly make my way to where I told the girl to meet me. My breath quickens when I see her standing there waiting and I hurry over to her.

"Sorry that took so long.." I trail off as she looks at me and she smiles softly.

"(Y/N)" She tells me extending a hand "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)"

"It's nice to meet you (Y/N), I know we just met but would you like to get some pizza or something with me sometime?" I ask scratching my head. (Y/N)'s (Y/E/C) flash with surprise.

"I would love too" She says and I grin. We exchange numbers and make plans to meet for pizza in a few days. Her friend then pulls up outside and she kisses me on the cheek before saying goodbye and heading out to meet her. I stand there like a lovestruck puppy watching her hurry away in the moonlight, finally knowing what love feels like.


Oh My God I feel awful! I haven't updated in almost a month! I'm really sorry but In my defense I was on vacation with some family I haven't seen in a long time and it was my birthday a week ago and yesterday was my sisters birthday and I didn't have wifi and a bunch other stuff that sidetracked me from writing. But I'm back and I promise that I will try to update more often. Anyway in recent events in the hockey world, I am not going to say anything long about the Patrick Kane scandal but I am going to say that I can't look at him the same again.

This was requested by HabsFan_ Hope you like it!


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