#63. Nikita Kucherov: Tampa Bay Lightning

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The sun on your back is warm has you and Nikita wander down the boardwalk hand and hand. The sound of laughter fills your ears and the smell of fried food wafts up your nose. You smile at the antics of some children building things on the sand.

"Niki why don't we get some ice cream?" You suggest pointing at the ice cream stand farther down.

"Alright, but it's gonna melt" He says with a laugh but starts toward it. After both of you get your ice creams, you head down the stairs and step onto the hot sand. As you make your way toward the water, your flip flops kick sand up, coating the back of your legs in the thin burning sand.

"How about we set up the towels and stuff here?" He suggests and you grin before handing him your ice cream cone. You pull the two towels out of your bag and spread them out over the sand. You straighten and grin before realizing he was taking a lick of his ice cream.

"Hey! You have your own you know!" You snatch the ice cream back and plop down on a towel eating your ice cream.

"Oh calm down it was one lick" He says with a laugh and settles next to you. After finishing your ice creams, he gets to his feet and looks down at you.

"I'll race you to the water." He says taking his shirt by the collar and pulling it over his head. HIs sculpted abs catch your eyes as you lick your lips watching him. "Like what you see (Y/L/N)?" He asks teasing you and you roll your eyes. Getting to your feet you pull off your shirt and wiggle out of your shorts and toss them back on the towel. You take off your glasses and twist your hair up.

"Fine" He bolts heading for the water before the words fully out of your mouth. Giving chase you follow him stopping right at the water's edge. He keeps going, turning around to look back before launching himself onto one of the incoming waves sending a big splash of water up. He surfaces and flips his hair back out of his eyes as the water pools around your ankles.

"Cmon ya big baby it's just water." He wades back to the shore and swoops you up into his arms running back into the water with you.

"PUT ME DOWN!" You screech indignantly as he gets deeper.

"Alright" He drops you and you go plunging into the surf. Your head slips below the water and you relish in the cold before getting surfacing and glaring at him. He looks down at you sheepishly before extending a hand. You take it and instead of helping you up you yank him down. Letting out a surprised yelp he splashes next to you. Giggling you float on your back and look at the deep blue sky.

You feel an arm tangle around your waist and he pulls you close. For a little you just stay there, looking up enjoying the feeling of the salty air on your cheeks. Finally when it gets to cold for you, you lower your feet so your toes are touching the sandy bottom. Nikita follows suit as you wade in toward the shore. At one point you don't realize a strong wave coming up quickly behind you. It hits you square in the back of the knees causing you to fall. Your head gets sucked under the wave. You struggle to get back on your feet and as if an angel is falling from the sky, your knight in shining armors scoops you up and places you back on your feet.

Nikita looks down at you concerned. You smile weakly at him. "I'm fine, thank you for saving me" You kiss him lightly on the cheek. He smiles down at you. You manage to make it back on the shore without tumbling back into the water. You slowly make your way back up the back toward the towels. Sweeping it up you shake off the sand and wrap the towel around your shoulders shivering.

"Cold love?" He asks looking at you concerned and you nod.

"Just a little, water has a high specific so it takes longer to warm up and cool down. And winter just ended so it's still really cold." He grins and kisses you again.

"I love it when you go all nerd on me" You laughs lightly and spread the towel out again and lay down on it, making sure you have some sunblock on. Somehow you fall asleep and when you wake up again, the sun is slowly setting and Nikita is shaking you awake.

"Hey" He murmurs softly with a small smile "Time to go home" You stretch drowsily and get up, sliding on your clothes and placing your glasses on your head. You interlace your fingers and head off toward the steps leading up leading up to the boardwalk.

On the way home you pick up a pizza from your favorite little place on the corner down the street. When you get home you plop down on a chair in the kitchen placing the pizza box on the table. Flipping it open, the smell filling the room causing you to close your eyes and take a deep breath surrounding yourself in it. When you open your eyes, you manage to pull yourself to your feet and head to the sink to wash your hands before heading to the fridge and pulling out two bottles of water.

"Ugh why do we have to have water with dinner?" Nikita whines as he sits down at the table grabbing a slice of pizza and taking a big bite of it.

"Because, we are most likely dehydrated from being in the sun all day. And if we don't get more water in our system could pass out or have something really bad happen." You place the water on the table before flinging yourself into the seat and curling your legs up underneath you and reaching for the pizza. He crinkles his nose at you and you crinkle yours back before you both bust into laughter.

"I love you" He says after a minute and you smile at him before leaning over and kissing him quickly.

"I love you too, but can I eat my pizza now? Im starving"


Sorry if this isn't the best, but thanks so much for 57k! This is for like a_witch I hope you like it :)

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