#34. Marco Scandella: Minesota Wild

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(Early note cause there isn't one later, this is my longest imagine to date! Another update tomorrow hopefully! ~Emm)

"OI! MARCO! LET'S GO!" You call down the hall where your best friend comes dashing out of his room a bow tie hung around his neck with one shoe on and one in his hand. He hops attempting to pull his shoe on. He trips and falls flat on his face and you shake your head looking down at your purse. When you look back up Marco is staring at you. "What?" You ask and he shakes his head. "Nothing"

*Marco's P.O.V*

When I looked at her my heart began to race. Sure (Y/N) and I had been friends for years, and had moved in together once I was drafted here and she was in college. And yeah maybe once or twice we had made drunken mistakes and slept together but that wasn't the point. Just looking at her set my heart on fire the past few days.

Oh who am I kidding, years.

Tonight was no exception, her (Y/H/C) hair is curled and has a sort of diamond thing weaved through it that I know she got at Claire's a few days ago, she left the bag on the kitchen counter. The black heels she has on make her look a few inches taller then she actually is. But the real turn on is the dress.

Its form fitting at the top and around the waist, but more flowy at the bottom. The color is a reddish pink, sort of like a raspberry and it makes her eyes pop. She looks like a model and I can't believe that I'm her date to her friends wedding.

Well, her date thats 'just friends'. When she asked me I felt my entire soul soar and I thought she finally had feelings for me, but alas she just said that she didn't realize she needed a date and I was the only one that had a chance of being able to come last minute.

That hurt.

Anyway I stand there staring at her like an idiot and am stuck in a trance. "What?" She asks and I jump. "Nothing" I stammer before attempting to put on my bow tie again. "Here let me help" She take the tie and fixes it with minimal effort. Her finger grazes my neck and I feel a shock rush through me. When she finishes she stay close, her hands on the collar of my jacket and she makes no move to pull away. She and I lock eyes and neither look away.

Until she does.

She looks down and I can feel a little piece of my heart break off. "Well we better get going!" I say very preppy as I pull myself out of her hands. I cross the the door and open it for her. She grabs her coat that she left on the chair and her purse before hurrying out of the apartment. I grab my coat from the wall and follow her, shutting the door behind me.

*At the wedding*

I plaster myself against the wall with some wine in my hand as (Y/N) dances with one of her friends brothers. I watch them quietly and once or twice she looks my way but I glance in another direction. After a few songs she excuses herself and comes to talk to me. I pretend I don't notice she's coming my way and take a sip of my drink. "So hows your night" She asks coming to stand in front of me.

"Uneventful" I say not taking so much at a peak at her.

"Well it wouldn't be if you actually talk to some people. Marge has had her eye on you the whole night" She says and I shake my head.

"Who in their right mind names someone Marge?" She giggles softly "And I have my eye on someone" She nods and she seems a little, saddened? No that can't be right, (Y/N) doesn't like me, at all and nothing is going to change that except maybe a miracle. Or if we are the last two people alive on earth.

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